In life, there are close calls, and then there are CLOSE CALLS

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In life, there are close calls, and then there are CLOSE CALLS. This story falls into the latter category, folks. A golf cart in Florida recently had an encounter with a pursuing alligator that will leave even the most seasoned Floridian spooked.

The incident occurred at a golf course in Naples, as a foursome of golfers were minding their own business, enjoying a round of golf. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they noticed an alligator chasing them down in hot pursuit. Naturally, they did what any rational person would do – they bolted away from the reptile as quickly as possible.

As they swerved around corners and skidded to a halt at intersections, the alligator continued to give chase. The golf cart occupants were truly living life in the fast lane, as they tried to outrun the creature. Perhaps they were simply desperate to avoid becoming the next meal on the alligator’s menu.

Thankfully, the foursome managed to escape unharmed, as the determined alligator eventually gave up its pursuit. It’s a good thing they were not driving one of those slow-moving carts that are often found shuffling around senior communities. In a lesser vehicle, they may not have made it out alive.

The golf course management has assured the public that steps have been taken to ensure that this kind of thing never happens again. This, of course, is a welcome relief for golfers who wish to enjoy a game of golf without the added adrenaline boost of being chased down by an alligator.

In a statement released to the press, a spokesperson for the golf course said, “We take the safety of our patrons and staff very seriously. We have taken swift action to make sure that our courses are safe from any potential alligator-related incidents in the future. We have hired a team of highly-trained professionals to handle any rogue alligators that may appear on our property.”

Now, we know what you’re thinking – what about the alligator? Is it still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for its next victim? Well, fear not, dear readers. The golf course has confirmed that the alligator has been safely relocated to a nearby swamp where it can continue to hunt and live out its days in peace.

In conclusion, we can all breathe a little easier knowing that our nation’s golf courses are taking alligator safety seriously. It’s a jungle out there, folks, and it’s good to know that there are professionals in place to handle the predators that roam free.

As for the foursome, we can only imagine the tales they will be telling for years to come. While some may call it a close call, we prefer to think of it as a thrilling, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Alligator-chasing should definitely be added to the list of extreme sports available to adrenaline junkies everywhere. Until then, we’ll stick with mini golf.

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