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St. Augustine, Florida: The city that never ceases to amaze us. The first-ever Florida Man Games were held this week and let’s just say, it was quite an experience.

Proud owners of mullets from all across the state came together to participate in the highly anticipated mullet contest. Who knew that having a “business in the front, party in the back” style could be so exhilarating? The contestants were judged based on length, thickness, and the overall vibe of their mullet.

If you thought that was wild, get ready for this: a “weaponized pool noodle mud duel.” That’s right folks, participants were given pool noodles to use as swords while they fought in a pit of mud. Luckily, there were no serious injuries reported, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a few people caught a case of tetanus.

The Florida Man Games didn’t stop there. At the event, there was also a “dangling chug” competition where contestants were suspended in the air and had to chug their chosen beverage. I mean, who needs to drink normally when you can like, hang upside down and put your life in danger instead?

But don’t worry, it wasn’t all about physical activity. There was also a “face tattoo boogie” contest where participants showed off their ink while dancing to some sweet tunes. Because nothing screams “I’m successful and employable” like a face tattoo.

The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the “crocodile toilet toss.” Contestants had to toss an inflatable crocodile over a toilet seat for points. Some of these tosses were so impressive they could probably be used in the Olympics.

In case you are wondering the point of the event, the creator said it was to celebrate the unique and bizarre culture of Florida. Because if anyone knows anything about celebrating the bizarre, it’s Florida.

While the event may have been entertaining, it’s safe to say that it doesn’t exactly set the bar high for competition. I mean, tossing a crocodile over a toilet seat? I’ve seen more challenging things done at kindergarten recess.

Despite the questionable events, the Florida Man Games were a success. Participants had a blast and appeared to be unharmed, aside from a few bruises. Who knew that a weaponized pool noodle mud duel could bring people together like this?

The Florida Man Games may have been a bit unconventional, but let’s face it, that’s just par for the course in Florida. So, gear up for next year’s event and start practicing your weaponized pool noodle skills. Because if there’s one thing we can count on in Florida, it’s that things will always be a little bit crazy.

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