Local woman’s routine drive to work turned quite adventurous yesterday, as she discovered an unexpected passenger in her car: a stowaway snake! The snake was noticed when the woman pulled over to check if she had enough gas, only to find the slithery reptile staring back at her, nonchalantly

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Local woman’s routine drive to work turned quite adventurous yesterday, as she discovered an unexpected passenger in her car: a stowaway snake! The snake was noticed when the woman pulled over to check if she had enough gas, only to find the slithery reptile staring back at her, nonchalantly.

Ms. Smith (the woman in question) could not believe her eyes. “I have no idea how he got into my car. I parked outside last night, but didn’t see him then. It’s almost like he figured out how to unlock the door and snuck in, all ninja-style.” The snake, nonchalantly gazing out of the car window, refused to comment on the matter.

Ms. Smith was all praise for the snake, however, in her interview later. “He seems like quite a well-behaved snake. Kept to himself the entire time. Didn’t touch any of my belongings, didn’t make any noise, didn’t bite me once. 10/10 passenger, would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a new road-trip buddy.”

The snake was eventually removed from the car by local animal control services, and released back into the wild, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Meanwhile, social media has been abuzz with reactions to the incident. “I’ve been looking for a travel partner for quite some time now. Maybe I should just go out and find myself a snake, they seem like the perfect animals for a road trip,” commented one user. Another user was quick to chime in with her opinion, striking fear in the hearts of many: “I would have crashed my car the moment I saw that beast in there. Snakes are the work of the devil himself, and they must be eliminated at any cost.”

Environmentalists, however, are taking a different stance on the matter. “This is an exemplary situation wherein humans and animals can co-exist peacefully. We must learn to embrace the natural world around us, no matter how hazy or scaly it might be,” commented one enthusiastic member. “In fact, I’m thinking of adopting a snake as a pet myself. They seem like quite cuddly creatures, if you just give them a chance.”

Animal rights activists have jumped on the bandwagon as well. “This is a perfect example of how animals can get a bad rap due to human bias. We automatically jump to conclusions when we come across something new or foreign to us. It’s high time we change our attitude and start appreciating every creature for their inherent beauty,” commented an impassioned activist.

The snake, however, could not be reached for comment, as he was busy exploring his newfound freedom, away from the confines of four doors and a steering wheel. Till the next time, happy hitchhiking!

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