‘Century Old Man Commences High School Journey at 106 Years of Age’ In a truly remarkable display of perseverance and determination, a 106-year-old man from South Carolina managed to collect his high school diploma

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‘Century Old Man Commences High School Journey at 106 Years of Age’

In a truly remarkable display of perseverance and determination, a 106-year-old man from South Carolina managed to collect his high school diploma. While typically this would be considered quite the accomplishment, the fact that the senior citizen is more than a century old lends itself to some serious scrutiny.

The octogenarian, whose name has not been released to the public, crossed the stage and collected his diploma with the support of his walker. He was all smiles as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause, as if they had witnessed the greatest feat on the planet.

To put things into perspective, when the elderly man was born, the United States had just elected William Taft as president and the Titanic had not even been completed yet. One cannot help but feel impressed that he managed to stick around long enough to receive his high school diploma. What’s more impressive, however, is the fact that he even went back to school after all these years.

When asked what motivated him to take on such a challenge at his age, the old man simply replied, “I wanted to finish what I had started all those years ago.” What an inspiration! Of course, the fact that he waited more than a century to return to school is of no real consequence.

One has to wonder what he plans on doing with his new certificate. Perhaps he will hang it up on his wall as a reminder of the good old days. Or maybe he will show it off to his great-great-great-grandchildren, who will no doubt be bored out of their minds.

He might even update his LinkedIn profile and start applying for entry-level jobs, for which he is now eligible after collecting his diploma. After all, who wouldn’t want to hire someone with over 100 years’ worth of life experience? He has definitely got a unique selling point, that’s for certain.

Whatever the case may be, the old man has certainly managed to capture the hearts of people everywhere. The idea of going back to school at such an advanced age is nothing short of inspiring. One can only hope that he will continue to blaze new trails and set an example for generations to come.

When asked what he plans on doing next, the old man simply smiled and said, “Maybe I will go to college next.” It’s hard not to be impressed by the sheer ambition of this man, who has managed to accomplish so much in his long life. Truly, he is a role model for us all.

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