Florida Coast Guard Discovers Serpent Taking Sunbath on a Helicopter Wheel The United States Coast Guard has made a startling discovery during a routine helicopter check-up

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Florida Coast Guard Discovers Serpent Taking Sunbath on a Helicopter Wheel

The United States Coast Guard has made a startling discovery during a routine helicopter check-up. The Coast Guard personnel, known for their sharp wit and fearless attitude, discovered an unexpected passenger taking a leisurely sun-bath on one of their choppers. Their already dangerous and challenging job was made a little bit harder by a scaly and slippery stowaway – a snake!

The helicopter crew was conducting a routine check-up on the aircraft, not expecting to find this unwanted visitor. As the helicopter was lifted, the snake was revealed to have positioned itself comfortably, almost as if it had purchased a ticket for a scenic ride. The reptile had audaciously coiled its body around one of the wheels of the helicopter.

Coast Guard spokeswoman, Samantha Gagne, assured the public that the snake was not terribly large, therefore, not an imminent threat to the crew. However, she did note that this was certainly one of the strangest things they’d encountered in their line of work. She said, “We are used to seeing all sorts of unpredictable things in this line of work, from tropical storms to hurricanes, but a snake taking a joyride on a helicopter is a first for us.”

The crew graciously allowed the unwelcome guest to enjoy their scenic route for a while, but made sure that it was safely removed before takeoff. After all, it’s unbecoming for a true Floridian to show up with uninvited pests.

The fact that the snake had effortlessly slithered its way onto the aircraft led the Coast Guard crew to believe that it was a frequent visitor at the hangar. They have requested that all personnel take extra precautionary measures to avoid this happening again in the future. They joked that they will surely charge the snake for the scenic tour.

However, the discovery of the snake on the helicopter is not unusual for the state of Florida. As residents of the state are well aware, snakes and alligators are frequently found basking on beaches and highways, and in the occasional backyard pool. Tourists on their holiday are often surprised to find such animals in unexpected places, but locals have learned to take these sightings with a grain of salt. After all, a snake taking a helicopter ride in Florida is just another day in paradise.

The Coast Guard has not released any information regarding the breed of snake that was found, but assured the public that it was not venomous. They did, however, suggest that if someone comes across a snake unexpectedly, it is best to avoid any close interactions. Unless, of course, it is on a helicopter ride and has paid the necessary fare, then you are free to ignore all the warnings and take photos from a safe distance.

The Coast Guard has also disclosed that the helicopter is now free of any stowaways and is currently in use. They are grateful for the harmless, yet amusing short-lived adventure with their reptilian co-passenger, but assure the public that all safety measures will be taken to avoid any such scenario in the future.

In conclusion, whether you like them or not, snakes are everywhere, and they always manage to turn up in the strangest of places. This particular snake may not have had a thrilling helicopter ride and may have been left with a bad TripAdvisor review, but at least it got a good tan.

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