South Carolina Shoppers Get Unwelcome Visitor It was a typical day at the shopping center in South Carolina until chaos broke out in the Old Navy store

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South Carolina Shoppers Get Unwelcome Visitor

It was a typical day at the shopping center in South Carolina until chaos broke out in the Old Navy store. Shoppers were forced to abandon their quest for affordable clothing as a deer decided to make an uninvited entrance through the glass front door.

The deer, who seemed to have missed the sign that read “No Deer Allowed,” startled customers who were either on their phones or pretending to be interested in the latest fashion trends. Some were even heard saying “oh deer” as the animal ran through the store causing widespread panic.

One shopper, who refused to be named, said, “I was just about to try on a pair of pants when I heard a loud crash. I thought maybe one of the mannequins had fallen over, but when I turned around, I saw a deer running past me. It was crazy!”

Security footage reveals the deer making its way to the back of the store before finally escaping through a side door. Old Navy employees quickly assessed the damage, which included broken glass and disheveled clothing, before announcing that the store would be temporarily closed.

Animal control was called to the scene to make sure that the deer was unharmed and had safely left the vicinity. Shoppers, who had been overcome by the incident, were offered counseling to deal with the emotional trauma they had endured.

The incident prompted an outpouring of sympathy on social media, with some users jokingly calling for the deer to be made the new Old Navy mascot. Others suggested that the deer may have been searching for the illusive Old Navy dollar flip-flops, which shoppers had been camping out for.

An Old Navy spokesperson said in a statement, “We can confirm that a deer did enter our store earlier today, causing a disturbance and minor damage. While we are grateful that no one was hurt, we have temporarily closed the store to ensure the safety of our customers and staff. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to welcoming shoppers again soon.”

This incident is a reminder that the natural world can sometimes be unpredictable and unforgiving. It proves once again that shopping can be a dangerous and stressful activity, and it’s always wise to be alert and prepared for anything. Who knows what uninvited guests will visit the mall next? A bear raiding the food court? A bird taking up residence in JC Penney? Only time will tell.

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