In a totally not ironic turn of events, a man has won a $1 million lottery jackpot just a mere three days after his girlfriend called it quits

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In a totally not ironic turn of events, a man has won a $1 million lottery jackpot just a mere three days after his girlfriend called it quits. What are the chances, right?

According to sources, the fortunate individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, was in a state of utter misery after being dumped by his long-term girlfriend. However, things took an unexpected turn when he decided to drown his sorrows by buying a lottery ticket at a local convenience store.

Lucky for him, he struck gold and is now able to inexplicably forget about the devastation of his recent heartbreak. The universe works in mysterious ways, folks.

The man claimed his prize at the lottery headquarters, where he was met with congratulations from officials who couldn’t possibly fathom the irony of his timing.

“It’s just incredible. I never thought something like this would happen to me,” said the man, who appears to be holding back tears of joy. “Last week, I thought my life was over, but now I’m a millionaire. It’s like I won the lottery or something.”

Well, actually, sir, you did win the lottery.

The ex-girlfriend of the newfound millionaire reportedly found out about his winnings and has since been kicking herself for leaving too soon. However, it’s safe to say that the man hasn’t looked back since his life-changing win.

In a press conference, the lottery officials who couldn’t possibly be rolling their eyes any harder, congratulated the winner and urged others to continue playing in the hopes of hitting it big during their most tumultuous life moments.

“We always say that the lottery is a game of chance, and this is proof that anything can happen,” said one lottery official, who was likely trying to suppress a smirk. “So, if you’re going through a breakup or a tough time, don’t lose hope. Buy a lottery ticket and who knows, maybe you’ll be the next big winner.”

Well, there you have it, folks. Life may throw curveballs at us, but apparently, the answer is to gamble our way out of our problems.

In all seriousness though, congratulations to the lucky winner. Your newfound wealth will surely provide you with solace, or at least the means to buy an entire store of ice cream to drown your post-breakup sorrows.

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