Texas saw a historic achievement yesterday, as a 90-year-old woman managed to earn herself a master’s degree – who says it’s too late to go back to school? The mature student, who was probably learning alongside her grandkids and great-grandkids, has proven that age is just a number – unless, of course, that number is up and you conveniently have no more exams to study for

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Texas saw a historic achievement yesterday, as a 90-year-old woman managed to earn herself a master’s degree – who says it’s too late to go back to school?

The mature student, who was probably learning alongside her grandkids and great-grandkids, has proven that age is just a number – unless, of course, that number is up and you conveniently have no more exams to study for.

The woman in question, who has asked to remain anonymous, couldn’t be reached for comment as she was too busy showing all of her friends her diploma. However, we can imagine her saying something along the lines of, “Age is just a number” or “I wanted to stimulate my mind” or something else annoyingly inspirational that makes us all feel guilty for not achieving enough.

Naturally, this news has sparked all sorts of debates on social media. Some applaud the lady’s determination and have called her an inspiration, while others have raised the question, “What on earth is she doing this for?” Honestly, who wants to be a master at anything at the age of 90? It’s not like you can put that degree to use in a real job – it’s not like anyone needs an aging scholar to solve their problems, right?

We can only speculate about what the woman plans to do with her degree – maybe she’ll start her own professional granny club, where they all sit around and sip tea, discussing the latest advancements in fiber optic technology. Or, maybe, she’ll get a job at the local library, making sure all the books are stacked in size order with an efficient level of staleness.

But let’s think about this for a moment – is it really fair that this woman was allowed to get a master’s degree at the grand old age of 90? What about all those young people who are still struggling to find a job in their field of study after graduation? They’ve been studying all their life, jumping over hurdle after hurdle, and yet, here comes Granny, strolling in like she owns the place, and taking what could be seen as their rightful degree.

What about all the college debts young people rack up? Let’s face it, this lady has probably paid off her mortgage and doesn’t have to worry about making rent anytime soon. Meanwhile, young people are forced to eat ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner just to make ends meet.

In conclusion, while we can’t deny that it’s admirable that someone at the ripe age of 90 would still have the desire to learn, can we all agree that this degree should have gone to someone younger and probably in need of it more? Or, at least, let’s hope that this woman has the grace and wisdom to put her new found knowledge to good use, like figuring out how to turn her TV off without calling for help or how to start a YouTube channel.

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