Las Vegas, Nevada – The world-renowned Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was abuzz with excitement on Wednesday when the “Flappie” cat door was unveiled by a group of enterprising inventors

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Las Vegas, Nevada – The world-renowned Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was abuzz with excitement on Wednesday when the “Flappie” cat door was unveiled by a group of enterprising inventors. The “Flappie” cat door is designed to solve the age-old problem of felines bringing unwanted “presents” into their humble abodes.

“Flappie” operates through biometric technology, which only allows cats with the correct identification chip to enter. “Finally, my cat won’t be able to bring in any more of those pesky dead birds and mice,” said Jane, one of the many thrilled cat owners who attended the press event.

According to the inventors, the “Flappie” cat door is an impressive improvement over the traditional cat flap, which is believed to have been invented back in 1932. That’s right, folks: We’ve been letting our felines come and go as they please for nearly 90 years, which makes the “Flappie” cat door an absolute game-changer.

It’s also reassuring to know that the inventors of “Flappie” have thought of everything. The cat door is programmed to only allow the designated cat to enter and exit, so there’s no risk of any naughty neighbour cats waltzing in and stealing Fluffy’s treats.

The “Flappie” cat door is being hailed as a “revolution” in pet-technology and some even say that this marks the beginning of a brave new world, where our feline overlords will rule supreme. And who wouldn’t want that?

Some critics might argue that the traditional cat flap was completely sufficient and that Fluffy wouldn’t bring in quite as many dead birds and mice if we just made sure to feed him or her enough. But doesn’t that sound boring? Why not make things more complicated than they need to be by introducing sophisticated biometric technology into our homes? After all, what else are we going to spend our money on?

Plus, who needs a security system or alarm when we have “Flappie” to protect us from the dangers of, well, dead critters of course.

“Flappie” is even compatible with smart home technology, so you can remotely control when Fluffy is allowed in and out. As if we didn’t have enough things to worry about already, now we have to add “controlling our cat’s exit and entry” to our list.

Pet owners and tech enthusiasts alike are already lining up to get their paws on “Flappie”. It’s reassuring to know that we’re making ground-breaking progress in technology by fixing our cats’ eccentric behaviours. Let’s be honest, we all need every little help we can get in the battle with our beloved pets.

In conclusion, the “Flappie” cat door may not be the most groundbreaking invention of our time, but it certainly does solve a minor inconvenience for cat-lovers everywhere. Who needs to worry about their cat bringing in dead animals when we have the latest and greatest in biometric technology at our disposal? We can rest easy knowing that we will never have to deal with that pesky dead bird at the foot of the bed again. Thank God for “Flappie”.

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