In an unprecedented discovery, a construction crew digging near a Florida airport unearthed a bomb that dates back to World War II

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In an unprecedented discovery, a construction crew digging near a Florida airport unearthed a bomb that dates back to World War II. Because apparently, just finding construction debris wasn’t enough excitement for them.

The bomb was discovered by workers in close proximity to the Palm Beach International Airport, and caused a brief scare amongst local officials. No, it wasn’t because they were worried about the bomb going off, but because the construction crew was going to be delayed in their work!

“It’s not uncommon for historic artifacts to be found during construction projects,” said one official. “But we were definitely caught off guard by the discovery of an actual bomb.”

Authorities immediately sprung into action, cordoning off the area and evacuating any nearby buildings as a precautionary measure. Really, it’s not like they had anything better to do on a Monday afternoon.

The bomb, which officials believe weighs about 100 pounds, is said to be in stable condition despite its long stay underground. Because let’s be real, it’s not like bombs age like wine.

An Army bomb squad was called to the scene and carefully dug out the bomb before disabling it. The bomb was then transported to a secure location where it will likely become a tourist attraction, because who doesn’t want to take selfies with a potentially lethal weapon?

Thankfully, no injuries or damages were reported. But really, what fun is a bomb discovery if no one gets to experience it firsthand?

Officials said that aside from the delay in construction, the discovery of the bomb had no real impact on everyday operations at the airport. Well, that’s a relief. We wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of people’s travel plans, even if it means ignoring the deadly potential of a decades-old explosive.

So, what can we learn from this exciting discovery? Probably not much, except that construction workers really have the coolest jobs ever. Who knows what they’ll dig up next? Maybe a long-lost dinosaur fossil or a treasure trove of pirate’s booty.

In the end, the bomb discovery near the Florida airport will go down in history as one of the most exciting construction-related events of all time. Move over, grand opening ceremony – we have a bomb to celebrate!

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