Headline: Lucky for some: Winner of $100,000 lottery ticket too busy counting their loose change to notice In a shocking turn of events, a lucky lottery winner has finally come forward to claim their prize – a whopping $100,000 – after leaving the ticket forgotten in the glove compartment of their truck for the past month

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Headline: Lucky for some: Winner of $100,000 lottery ticket too busy counting their loose change to notice

In a shocking turn of events, a lucky lottery winner has finally come forward to claim their prize – a whopping $100,000 – after leaving the ticket forgotten in the glove compartment of their truck for the past month.

While the rest of us are busy twiddling our thumbs and counting the days until payday, this lucky individual had the audacity to simply forget about their winning ticket.

The winner, who has chosen to remain anonymous, claims that a busy schedule prevented them from cashing in their lucky stub immediately. That’s right folks, they were simply too busy to remember that they had just hit the jackpot.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are left to ponder the cruel, fickle hand of fate that left such a coveted prize in the hands of someone too busy to care.

The Indiana Lottery Commission has urged other players to check their tickets more carefully, noting that this kind of oversight is simply unacceptable.

But don’t worry lottery fans, we can all take solace in the fact that the winner’s lucky mistake is the punchline of a hilarious joke being told worldwide. Ha ha, good one winner, you almost had us there!

In a press statement, a spokesperson for the Lottery Commission said: “We are thrilled to finally award this prize to its rightful owner – the person who quite literally stumbled upon their fortune. But we also urge other players to pay closer attention to their tickets, to avoid letting thousands of dollars slip through their fingers.”

So, while we’re silently weeping into our piles of crumpled up losing lottery tickets, we can all take comfort in knowing that some people are just too lucky to care.

We wish the winner all the best in their future lottery endeavors, and hope that they’ll take the time to count their lucky stars next time they’re feeling too busy to notice.

But don’t worry folks, for the rest of us there’s always the chance to win big – as long as we’re paying attention, of course.

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