An innovative new company has caused quite a stir in the run-up to Valentine’s Day by offering to completely scrap your ex from your life

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An innovative new company has caused quite a stir in the run-up to Valentine’s Day by offering to completely scrap your ex from your life. Yes, you read that correctly. No need to drown your sorrows in a pint of ice cream or cry over sappy love songs anymore. You can just pay this company to erase every memory of your past relationship, like it never happened.

The company, aptly named ‘Bye-Bye Ex,’ claims to use top-secret technology and manpower to scour the internet and your personal belongings for any trace of your former lover. This includes deleting all social media posts, blocking them on every platform, and even sending a team of people to physically remove any pictures or mementos in your possession.

The mastermind behind this company, 25-year-old Zoe Thompson, says she came up with the idea after going through a particularly rough breakup herself. “I just got so sick of seeing his face everywhere,” she explained in a recent interview. “I wanted a fresh start, but it felt impossible with reminders of him littered all over my life. That’s when it hit me – why not just get rid of him completely?”

Many people have praised the company for their forward-thinking approach to heartbreak. “I think it’s brilliant,” said one satisfied customer. “It’s like they’re doing all the dirty work for you. You don’t have to deal with the pain of erasing them from your life because someone else is doing it for you. Plus, it makes it easier to move on without them hanging over your head.”

However, there are some skeptics out there who believe this is just a lazy and superficial way of dealing with heartbreak. “It’s ridiculous,” scoffed one critic. “You can’t just erase someone from your life like they never existed. What about the memories and experiences you shared together? Aren’t those valuable?”

But the company has made it clear that they are just providing a service to people who are struggling to move on. “We understand that not everyone will agree with what we’re doing, and that’s okay,” said Thompson. “But we’re here to help people who are feeling stuck and want to start fresh.”

The prices for this service vary depending on the intensity of the relationship and the level of erasure required. For a basic package, which includes deleting social media posts and blocking them, customers can expect to pay around $500. But for a more thorough option, which includes physical removal of reminders in your home and friends and family members who mention them, the price can skyrocket to $10,000 or more.

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the company has seen a surge in interest and bookings. If you’re looking to start the new year without any unwanted baggage, ‘Bye-Bye Ex’ might just be the perfect solution for you. But if you’re still skeptical about the effectiveness of this service, you can always try the old-fashioned way of moving on – throwing their stuff out the window and blasting Taylor Swift’s ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.’

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