Utah Woman Takes the World by Storm: Oldest Water Skier Crowned at Age 92 It’s official folks – we have a new world record holder, and she’s not your typical young and sprightly athlete

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Utah Woman Takes the World by Storm: Oldest Water Skier Crowned at Age 92

It’s official folks – we have a new world record holder, and she’s not your typical young and sprightly athlete. No sir, this record belongs to none other than a 92-year-old woman from Utah, who has been water skiing since 1961 (yes, you read that right).

Apparently, this woman has been defying the aging process, managing to navigate the treacherous waters on a pair of skis for over six decades. You have to hand it to her, that is some pretty impressive staying power. But let’s be honest, is anyone really surprised that someone from Utah has taken the title of oldest water skier? I mean, it’s not exactly the most popular pastime in the state, so I guess you have to cling to whatever claim to fame you can get.

Now, I don’t want to take away from her accomplishments – I mean, how many people do you know who can still water ski in their 90s? But, I can’t help but wonder, what kind of person willingly puts themselves in harm’s way like that? Those waters can be dangerous, and the last thing you want is for someone in their golden years to take a tumble and break a hip or something. Not trying to be morbid, but let’s be real – the older you get, the more fragile your bones become.

Maybe I’m just being cynical, or maybe I’m jealous of her ability to stay active at such an advanced age. Who knows? But one thing’s for sure – I’m glad I don’t have to keep up with her on the water. I can barely manage to stay afloat on a paddleboard, let alone on a pair of skis.

All jokes aside, though, it is pretty incredible that she’s managed to keep this hobby up for so long. I mean, I can barely muster the energy to go to the gym once a week, and this lady is shredding the water like it’s nothing. Maybe we should all take a page out of her book and start living life to the fullest, regardless of our age. Because if she can do it, why can’t we?

So, congratulations to our new world record holder, and to everyone out there – keep doing what you love, no matter how old you are. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up breaking a record too (just be sure to take it easy on those waters if you’re over 90).

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