Indian woman’s 7-foot-9 hair – a world record? In a feat that would make Rapunzel blush, a 46-year-old woman from India has set a new world record for the longest hair

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Indian woman’s 7-foot-9 hair – a world record?

In a feat that would make Rapunzel blush, a 46-year-old woman from India has set a new world record for the longest hair. The incredible tresses measured a staggering 7 feet and 9 inches, beating the previous record of 6 feet and 6 inches.

The woman, who goes by the name Rapunzel’s aunt, claims to have never had a haircut since the young age of 14. She said she was inspired by the fairy tale of Rapunzel, who famously let down her long hair for a prince to climb up and whisk her away.

When asked about her secret to maintaining such awe-inspiring locks, Rapunzel’s aunt said she follows a strict diet of hair-friendly foods, like spinach and protein. She also claimed to use a custom-made pillow to avoid tangling her hair in her sleep.

While some may admire her dedication to her hair, others are concerned about the practicality of such long locks. How does she manage to do everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, and even walking without tripping over her hair?

In response, Rapunzel’s aunt explained that she has developed a unique system of tying up her hair in a bun, which she carries on top of her head. She admits that it can be heavy and cumbersome at times, but it’s a small price to pay for the glory of a world record.

While many people may be skeptical of Rapunzel’s aunt’s claims, the Guinness World Records team has verified that her hair is indeed the longest in the world. A spokesperson for the organization said they were amazed when they saw her hair in person, and said it was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

So what’s next for Rapunzel’s aunt? She says she has no plans to cut her hair anytime soon, but hopes to inspire other women to embrace their natural beauty and follow their dreams – no matter how improbable they may seem. Perhaps her story will even inspire a new generation of fairy tales, where princesses rescue themselves with their own long, flowing hair.

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