Move aside Rapunzel, there’s a new queen of long hair in town

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Move aside Rapunzel, there’s a new queen of long hair in town. Meet Nilanshi Patel, the Indian woman who has not one, not two, but 6-foot 7-inch long hair. That’s right, you read it correctly. It’s longer than the average basketball player’s height and probably weighs more than a few of them too!

Nilanshi, a 17-year-old teenager from Gujarat, India, has spent 12 years of her life growing her hair and has now set a new record for having the longest hair in the world. And how did she accomplish this feat, you may ask? Through sheer patience, dedication, and a lot of trips to the hairstylist, of course.

“I always wanted to grow my hair long and make a world record. I feel like a superstar now,” Nilanshi said in an interview with a local newspaper. Well, Nilanshi, you may not be a Hollywood celebrity, but you sure do have Hollywood-level hair that would put even Kim Kardashian to shame!

As impressive and awe-inspiring as this feat is, let’s not forget the daily struggles that surely come with having to manage hair that is longer than some people are tall. Imagine the amount of shampoo and conditioner needed to keep those locks fresh and clean? Or the amount of time that must be spent on brushing and detangling those tresses? But hey, sacrifices must be made for the sake of setting records.

Nilanshi’s long hair has not only garnered her internet fame but has also landed her in the Guinness World Records. She has surpassed the previous record set by Chinese woman Xie Qiuping, whose hair was 18 feet long before she cut it in 2004. Rumor has it, Xie was tired of being confused for Cousin Itt from The Addams Family.

Nilanshi’s proud parents, who have supported her hair-growing journey since childhood, couldn’t be happier for their daughter’s achievement. “We are very happy that Nilanshi has achieved this feat. We always encouraged her in her journey,” said her father. Kudos to them for being the ultimate cheerleaders. I’m sure there were plenty of moments when they were tempted to grab the scissors and give her a new, shorter look.

But before we all start growing our hair out in hopes of setting a new world record, let’s take a moment to appreciate Nilanshi’s unique achievement. After all, it’s not every day that someone sets a new world record, let alone for having hair longer than a lot of people are tall. So, congratulations, Nilanshi, and keep on rockin’ that lengthy mane. You’re truly an inspiration to us all (and probably a source of envy for every hairstylist out there!).

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