In a remarkable feat of endurance and liver strength, a group of Australian men have shattered the world record for pub visits in 24 hours

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In a remarkable feat of endurance and liver strength, a group of Australian men have shattered the world record for pub visits in 24 hours. The team of six intrepid drinkers managed to visit an astonishing 99 drinking establishments in just one day, beating the previous record by a significant margin.

The group, which included local businessmen, tradesmen, and even a retired school teacher, set out on their record-breaking mission early on Saturday morning. Armed with nothing more than their thirst for alcohol and a determination to succeed, they began their odyssey in the sleepy country town of Wagga Wagga.

From there, they crisscrossed the Australian countryside, stopping off at every pub they could find along the way. Whether it was a rundown pub in the middle of nowhere or a trendy city bar, the team would simply down a quick pint before heading off to the next destination.

As the hours passed by and the beer began to flow, the team’s stamina showed no sign of waning. They braved challenging weather conditions, including a torrential downpour and blazing sun, as they soldiered on towards their target.

Despite encountering a number of challenges along the way, the team remained focused on their goal. They even managed to overcome a number of unexpected obstacles, such as a flat tire and a run-in with a group of rowdy kangaroos.

Finally, after a grueling 24 hours of non-stop drinking, the team reached their final destination: a pub in a remote corner of the Outback. With their minds and bodies worn out from their epic journey, they shuffled into the pub and ordered one last round of drinks.

As they raised their glasses to toast their remarkable achievement, the group were met with cheers and applause from the locals who had gathered to welcome them. It was a moment of triumph that will go down in history, and one that the team will surely never forget.

Reflecting on their achievement, the team’s captain, John Smith, said he was thrilled to have broken the record. “It was a tough challenge, but we did it,” he said. “We’re just a bunch of normal guys who love a good drink, and we wanted to show the world what we can do. I’m so proud of my team and what we’ve achieved.”

While some may question the wisdom of such a feat of drinking endurance, there is no denying that the team’s determination and commitment were truly impressive. So the next time you’re out at the pub and you think you’ve had too much to drink, just remember: there are some Aussies out there who can drink 99 pints in one day – and still make it home in one piece.

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