When you’re throwing away your garbage, the last thing you want to worry about is falling into a dumpster and subsequently getting crushed by a compactor

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When you’re throwing away your garbage, the last thing you want to worry about is falling into a dumpster and subsequently getting crushed by a compactor. But that’s exactly what happened to one unlucky woman in New Hampshire.

According to reports, the unnamed woman was simply trying to toss out her trash when she lost her footing and went tumbling headfirst into the dumpster. Sounds like a classic case of being a little too ambitious with your garbage-tossing technique, am I right?

But that was only the beginning of her misadventures. As fate (or perhaps just dumb luck) would have it, the garbage truck arrived on the scene shortly thereafter and, unknowingly, scooped up the dumpster with the woman still inside.

Now, most people might panic in this situation and try to make some noise to alert the driver of their presence. But not our intrepid heroine! No, instead she decided to lay there quietly and let fate decide her next move.

And oh boy, what a move it was. The truck drove to the next stop and proceeded to compact the contents of the dumpster with our protagonist still inside. It’s like playing a real-life version of that old game show, Press Your Luck – only instead of winning prizes, you’re risking life and limb (or at least your garbage) for the greater good.

When the truck finally arrived at the dump, the driver heard some banging and clanging coming from the back and discovered the poor woman still alive (and hopefully not too smelly). She was rushed to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries, which was perhaps the only silver lining in this whole debacle.

Now, we could all sit here and shake our heads at this woman’s misfortunes, or we could take a deeper look at what this incident says about our society. Trash disposal has become such a mundane part of our daily lives that we’ve grown complacent to the risks involved.

We toss things in the general direction of the dumpster without really looking where they land, assuming that everything will just work itself out in the end. But as this woman’s story shows us, sometimes fate has a cruel sense of humor.

So the next time you’re schlepping your garbage out to the curb, take a moment to really think about the process. Look where you’re tossing things, double-check that the truck has already passed, and for goodness sake, don’t try any fancy acrobatics – unless, of course, you want to end up as a cautionary tale in your local news.

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