It was just another typical day in Norway, where some people were cruising around in a Tesla

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It was just another typical day in Norway, where some people were cruising around in a Tesla. However, what happened next was anything but typical. The car managed to somehow lose control and plummet into a fjord in the capital, Oslo. Luckily, the two passengers inside were able to escape just in the nick of time.

Thankfully, they weren’t alone in the water for very long. It seems that a group of Norwegians were nearby, enjoying some time in a floating sauna. Yes, you read that correctly. A floating sauna. It’s unclear what kind of party they were having, but let’s just say it was probably quite the scene.

Luckily, the floating sauna was able to rescue the stranded Tesla passengers. They were able to climb aboard the floating refuge, and were offered some refreshing drinks. It’s unclear if they partook in the alcohol-infused festivities, but it’s safe to say they were grateful to be alive.

The Tesla’s journey into the fjord is still being investigated, but given the oddness of the incident, it wouldn’t be a surprise if it caused some heads to turn and some eyebrows to be raised. Who knows what caused the Tesla to take the plunge, but one can only imagine it was some kind of Tesla vs fjord physics experiment gone awry.

On the other hand, it’s reassuring to see that even in the face of danger, the Norwegians know how to have a good time. Floating saunas? Genius! Next time I’m caught in a precarious situation, I’ll be sure to have one of those on standby.

In all seriousness though, this incident goes to show that it’s always better to be prepared for the unexpected, especially when it comes to cars and water. While the floating sauna might not be an option for everyone, having a plan in place for an emergency can save lives.

At the end of the day, it’s important not to judge too harshly. Who among us hasn’t been cruising around in a Tesla, only to be catapulted into a fjord? It’s happened to the best of us. Okay, maybe not, but let’s cut these two some slack. They’ve just been through quite an ordeal.

In conclusion, while this story may seem bizarre, it serves as a reminder to always be prepared for the unexpected. And who knows, maybe someday you’ll find yourself stranded in the water, counting on a group of partying Norwegians to save the day.

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