PHILIPPINES – The country has yet again broken another world record, this time for the highly anticipated Human Mattress Dominoes

PHILIPPINES – The country has yet again broken another world record, this time for the highly anticipated Human Mattress Dominoes. Thousands of Filipinos gathered together to participate in this unique event that took place at a local mall in the capital city of Manila.

The event was a smashing success, with participants lined up like sardines in preparation for the big moment. The goal was simple – create a line with people laying on mattresses and have them fall backwards one by one until they reach the end of the line. Sure, it sounds like something that can be done in the comfort of one’s own bedroom, but why not attempt to break a world record while doing it?

The previous record, held by none other than the Chinese with 10,267 participants, was crushed by the Filipino contenders with a total of 3,541 mattresses used in the event.

Organizers of the event ensured the safety of the participants, stating that mattresses were carefully laid out to prevent anyone from getting hurt. A team of highly skilled medical professionals were also on standby, in case anyone got a little too cozy with their neighboring mattress.

Some participants were overheard saying that the event was a great way to showcase their talent in the art of falling. Others mentioned how they wanted to immortalize their names in the book of world records, despite the fact that they were just a small part of the line in this particular event.

The organizer of the event, who probably should be given a medal of bravery for even thinking of such an idea, stated that this will be an annual event in the Philippines. Apart from breaking world records, they hope to put their country on the map for trivial yet impressive feats such as this.

When asked if the event had any deeper meaning, the organizer responded with, “We just really wanted to create an event where people can feel close to each other, without really being close to each other, you know?”

At the end of the day, participants gathered together, sharing stories of how much fun they had falling onto a mattress. Some even reminisced on that time they fell off their bed and hit their head. Good times, indeed.

So there you have it folks, the Philippines has done it again and set a world record in the most prestigious event of them all – Human Mattress Dominoes. We can now all lay down in our beds at night knowing that we were part of something truly special.

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