Cat Rescue Shelter Receives a Windfall of Donations from Generous Football Fans It looks like Tyler Bass missing a crucial field goal has turned out to be a blessing in disguise for an upstate New York cat rescue shelter, which has been flooded with donations from generous football fans

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Cat Rescue Shelter Receives a Windfall of Donations from Generous Football Fans

It looks like Tyler Bass missing a crucial field goal has turned out to be a blessing in disguise for an upstate New York cat rescue shelter, which has been flooded with donations from generous football fans.

The poor little kitties must have been so worried about the Bills’ performace, but at least they have something to cheer about now that they’re rolling in cash.

According to reports, the shelter has received thousands of dollars in donations from fans who want to show their support for the unfortunate rookie kicker who missed the field goal that led to the Bills’ exit from the NFL playoffs.

It’s amazing how many people suddenly remember their love for cats when something like this happens. Who cares about all the other animal shelters in need? It’s all about the cats now!

In fact, we’re pretty sure that the shelter’s phone lines are probably ringing off the hook with people offering to donate money, food, and toys. It’s just too bad that nobody cared about the poor little bastards before Tyler Bass missed his kick.

But seriously, what kind of world do we live in where a missed field goal by a rookie kicker leads to a sudden surge of donations for a cat rescue shelter? We should be donating to food banks, homeless shelters, and people who are actually struggling to pay their bills.

Instead, we’re showering the beloved felines with gifts and attention while ignoring the fact that there are human beings suffering in our own neighborhoods.

But hey, who are we to judge? If people want to donate to the cat shelter, that’s their prerogative. We just hope that they’ll remember to donate to other causes as well and not let their love for cats cloud their judgement.

In the end, it’s heartwarming to see people come together for a good cause. We just wish that cause wasn’t so damn cute and fuzzy.

So congratulations to the cat shelter on their windfall of donations. May the kitties be happy and well-fed for years to come. And as for Tyler Bass, we hope he’s not too broken up about missing the field goal. There’s always next year, buddy.

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