In a groundbreaking move, a local Rhode Island animal shelter is taking the opportunity to help you get over your ex by letting their cats poop on their name

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In a groundbreaking move, a local Rhode Island animal shelter is taking the opportunity to help you get over your ex by letting their cats poop on their name. That’s right, this Valentine’s Day, you can celebrate love in the most unconventional way ever imagined.

Announcing the ‘Love Stinks’ campaign, the director of the animal shelter took to social media to express the shelter’s excitement over the event and how this would help people. Recent research has shown that people who are looking to move on from a relationship often struggle to let go emotionally or financially, so this initiative would serve as a cathartic experience.

The shelter is planning to keep a group of cats on standby, each one excitedly waiting for an opportunity to poop on your ex’s name. For a small fee, the shelter will provide you with a certificate of completion and a video of the feline crew doing their thing. The director claims that the event is guaranteed to lift your spirits and help you enter the new year with a new perspective.

The shelter has faced some backlash, with some critics calling it juvenile and unprofessional. One commentator expressed their concerns, stating that “it is inappropriate for a public organization to encourage such acts of aggression through animal waste.” However, the shelter has already confirmed that the cats would be well-fed and taken care of, and it is not like they are traumatizing pets to do it.

As expected, social media is buzzing with excitement over the campaign. Many people have already expressed their interest in the event and can’t wait for the Valentine’s Day special. A few cat lovers have complained, stating that the initiative sends a negative message about the shelter’s focus on animal welfare. Others have speculated that this might be a publicity stunt to get more people aware of the shelter.

The Shelter’s CEO was quick to deny any such accusations, stating that the event is just a way to promote good spirits. “We believe people need to move on,” she said. “Love should be celebrated, even when it does not work out. That’s why our cats are here, to spread lovable joy.”

In light of the recent COVID-19 restrictions, the shelter is taking measures to ensure everyone involved stays safe. Pre-registration is required, and all participants will be given their cat masks upon arrival. The event would comply with all standard operating procedures of maintaining a safe social distance, and all participants will have to wear masks.

In conclusion, the shelter’s ‘Love Stinks’ campaign has unquestionably created a buzz, with a lot of people eager to put their ex’s name in the poop firing line. On the other hand, the shelter may have taken an unusual approach to handling those still holding onto their past relationships. Whether this initiative leaves you smelling like roses or not is up for debate, but one thing’s for sure, you’ll leave with an unforgettable experience.

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