Connecticut residents can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the hunt for an elusive intruder has finally come to an end

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Connecticut residents can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the hunt for an elusive intruder has finally come to an end. The culprit? A petite screech owl who was found hiding among, of all things, a collection of board games.

The homeowners first reported the invasion after being woken up in the middle of the night by incessant screeching. Initially, they thought it was their inconsiderate neighbor’s dog, but upon further investigation, they were surprised to find that they had an uninvited houseguest.

The owl, who goes by the name of Hootie, had apparently taken up residency among the family’s board games and had no intention of leaving. When asked by authorities for comment, Hootie simply blinked her beady little eyes and refused to budge.

Perhaps this isn’t a surprise, as the board game collection offered an ideal home for Hootie. She was a big fan of Monopoly, noting that she felt a kinship with the little boot piece. However, her excitement for Bananagrams was less enthusiastic, citing the lack of any actual bananas being involved as her reasoning.

Despite Hootie’s undeniable charm, the homeowners were keen to evict her from their home. This proved to be easier said than done, as Hootie proved to be quite the escape artist.

After carefully considering a number of options, the homeowners decided to call in the experts. Professional wildlife specialists, complete with long poles and leather gloves, descended on the home. The plan was to gently nudge Hootie out of her hiding spot and back into the wild where she belonged.

However, much to everyone’s surprise, Hootie had other plans. Displaying a level of agility that would impress even the most seasoned acrobat, Hootie managed to evade capture for hours. She swooped and dived, startling the experts and leaving onlookers in awe.

Finally, the wildlife specialists decided to take some extreme measures. Armed with a giant net, they carefully approached Hootie’s board game lair. In a sudden flurry of feathers, Hootie launched herself directly towards the net and disappeared within it. The crowd erupted in cheers as Hootie was safely captured and transported out of the house.

Reflecting on the events of the last few days, the family spoke of their newfound respect for not only Hootie, but also for the power of board games. They pledged to never underestimate the entertainment value of a good round of Clue, and to always check their games for surprise guests.

For Hootie, she’s undoubtedly looking forward to getting back to her home in the wild. However, she’s promised to keep in touch and make regular game night appearances whenever she can. Her feisty spirit and cunning tactics will be missed, but the memories of her daring invasion will be talked about for years to come.

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