Woman Sues Chopt Over “Finger Food” in Her Salad In a world where people love to complain and sue at the drop of a hat, it comes as no surprise that a woman has filed a lawsuit against the ever-popular fast casual chain Chopt over a piece of “finger food” in her salad

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Woman Sues Chopt Over “Finger Food” in Her Salad

In a world where people love to complain and sue at the drop of a hat, it comes as no surprise that a woman has filed a lawsuit against the ever-popular fast casual chain Chopt over a piece of “finger food” in her salad.

According to the plaintiff, who wishes to remain anonymous (or perhaps she’s just too embarrassed to reveal her identity), she was dining at the Chopt location in her local shopping mall when she noticed a small piece of what looked like a fingernail in her salad. Upon further inspection, she realized that it was in fact a tiny piece of the manager’s finger.

Now, we don’t want to alarm anyone, but let’s just say that there are certain things you don’t expect to find in your salad. Like, for example, a piece of human flesh. But hey, who are we to judge? Maybe this woman was just looking for a little extra protein in her diet.

Of course, as soon as the woman discovered the offending object, she immediately called over the manager to complain. And what did the manager do? Did he apologize profusely? Offer her a free meal? No, no, no. Instead, he allegedly tried to convince her that it was just a piece of chicken and that she was overreacting.

We’re sure that’s exactly what this woman wanted to hear—someone trying to convince her that she’s crazy for thinking there’s a piece of human finger in her food. Because clearly, it’s way more likely that Chopt is serving up finger-flavored chicken salads than that they had a little accident in the kitchen and didn’t dispose of the evidence properly.

To be fair, Chopt released a statement saying that they are taking the matter very seriously and investigating the incident. However, we can’t help but wonder if they’re secretly thrilled to have this much publicity. After all, there’s no such thing as bad press, right?

In the meantime, we suggest that Chopt customers keep an eye out for any unusual “ingredients” in their salads. Who knows what other surprises might be lurking in that bowl of greens? Maybe a toenail? A lock of hair? The possibilities are endless.

In conclusion, we’d like to offer a bit of advice to this woman: if you’re not looking for human body parts in your food, maybe stick to cooking at home. Or at the very least, order a sandwich instead of a salad. And to Chopt, we say: keep up the good work. You never know what kind of bizarre object might end up in your food next.

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