Group of Lion Cubs Disrespect Father’s Sleep with Their Innocent Playfulness In a shocking display of disrespect for their father’s need for a good night’s sleep, a group of lion cubs in a wildlife sanctuary have been found to be bothering their dad when he’s just trying to catch some Z’s

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Group of Lion Cubs Disrespect Father’s Sleep with Their Innocent Playfulness

In a shocking display of disrespect for their father’s need for a good night’s sleep, a group of lion cubs in a wildlife sanctuary have been found to be bothering their dad when he’s just trying to catch some Z’s.

According to the authorities at the sanctuary, the cubs are known for their playful and innocent behavior, but their constant attempts to use their father’s tail as a toy have finally taken a toll on the poor lion’s patience.

The father lion, who according to sources is known for his calm and collected demeanor, has been seen to lash out in frustration multiple times in the last few days in a desperate attempt to get some peace.

One of the employees at the sanctuary, who had witnessed the whole ordeal, spoke to us on conditions of anonymity. “It’s really sad to see what these cubs are putting their dad through. He’s just trying to get some rest, but they won’t stop playing around and using his tail as their personal toy”, they revealed.

The incident has already garnered attention from people all over the world, with many showing their sympathy and support for the father lion.

One Twitter user wrote, “These little guys need to learn some manners. It’s not fun being woken up every five minutes, let alone by your own kids!”.

Another user expressed their concern for the safety of the cubs, stating, “What if their dad decides to just up and leave? They need to learn that their actions have consequences”.

The situation has put the authorities at the sanctuary in a tricky position, with many people calling for the cubs to be separated from their father for his own good.

However, the sanctuary has assured everyone that they are taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all their animals, especially in this sensitive situation.

In any case, it’s clear that the cubs need to learn some respect and etiquette when it comes to their dad’s sleeping habits.

Hopefully, they will take note of their father’s obvious frustration and make an effort to change their behavior. After all, a good night’s sleep is essential for everyone, even for the king of the jungle.

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