In a heartwarming display of humanity, a husky was rescued from a storm drain in Kentucky after being stuck for three hours

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In a heartwarming display of humanity, a husky was rescued from a storm drain in Kentucky after being stuck for three hours.

The rescue team, made up of members from the local fire department and animal control, arrive on the scene to find the distressed husky howling loudly in the storm drain. With the help of a bolt cutter, the team was able to pry open the drain and free the trapped pup.

As they lifted the grateful dog from the drain, the crowd that had gathered around burst into applause, tears streaming down their faces at the sight of such a miraculous display of heroism.

The husky, who had been stuck in the drainpipe for hours, was understandably shaken and distressed, but seemed to be in good health after a quick check-up from the animal control team. The dog was taken to a nearby shelter where they hoped to find his owner or a new, loving home.

“We’re just so happy that we were able to save this dog’s life,” said one of the rescue team members. “It’s moments like this that really make you feel good about what you do.”

The story of the husky’s rescue quickly went viral, with people around the world praising the heroic efforts of the rescue team and showering the brave pup with love and attention.

“It’s amazing to see how people come together in times of crisis like this,” said one onlooker. “It just goes to show that there’s still some good in this world.”

Despite the overwhelmingly positive response to the story, some have criticized the rescue team for their use of a bolt cutter to free the trapped husky.

“They really should have used a more environmentally-friendly tool,” said one animal rights activist. “The use of a bolt cutter is just another example of our society’s disregard for nature.”

In response to the criticism, the rescue team issued a statement defending their actions.

“We did what we had to do in order to save this dog’s life,” said the team member. “If that means using a bolt cutter, then so be it.”

Regardless of the debate over the tool used to free the husky, there is no denying the fact that the rescue team’s quick thinking and bravery saved the life of an innocent animal. And in today’s world, that’s something we can all celebrate.

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