Chinese ice and snow theme parks have done the impossible

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Chinese ice and snow theme parks have done the impossible. They have broken a world record! As reported by the reliable news sources, Chinese ice and snow theme parks have created the world’s largest snow sculpture, with its dimensions of 115 meters long, 35 meters wide, and 31 meters high. That’s right, it’s so massive that it will make a great permanent addition to the Chinese skyline!

The cherry on top is that this was made possible, thanks to the incredible ingenuity of Chinese engineers who used their impressive skills to taunt mother nature by making snow in the middle of a warming planet.

The theme park, which is situated in northeastern Jilin Province, had the highest number of visitors last year. The latest addition of the gargantuan snow sculpture is expected to boost the attendance of the park to insane levels. It is projected to attract thousands of visitors, including climate change deniers, snow admirers and, of course, penguins.

According to the park’s CFO, “Our ultimate goal is to continue breaking world records every year and make China the ultimate destination for the ice and snow lovers. Who needs natural snow, when we can create a wonderland all on our own?”

It is undoubtedly true that China has become the ultimate destination for fascinating man-made marvels! From giant pandas to endless skyscrapers and now, to snow sculptures! Who says you need authentic natural beauty when you create your own? After all, nothing says authentic like a man-made wonder that took millions of yuan to construct.

Some would argue that the money would be better spent on more beneficial endeavors like healthcare, education, or even climate change research. But what do they know? Creating artificial snow sculptures brings joy to millions, or at least those who can afford to get into the park.

The feat of engineering has generated a lot of buzz on social media platforms. Sympathetic Americans have reportedly been calling for a petition to transfer the record to the U.S.A. since they are, after all, the greatest country in the world.

In related news, reports from the park indicate that the sculpting team, made up of hundreds of workers, had to work round the clock in subzero temperatures, putting their health in jeopardy, and sacrificing quality family time.

“Nothing feels better than having a massive snow sculpture for people to drool over, even if it means risking our own lives to do it. I mean, who doesn’t like to look at a giant snow pile taller than the Statue of Liberty?” a team member said in utter excitement.

Finally, the park’s management has invited all Chinese and international tourists to come and witness this historic achievement first hand. You can rest assured that, despite its size, there will be no shortage of selfie-taking tourists teeming around the statue.

All that said, congratulations are indeed in order to the hardworking staff of the Chinese snow and ice theme park for this incredible accomplishment. We look forward to seeing what massive man-made wonder they will create next.

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