Local Woman Gives Birth in the Happiest Place on Earth (McDonald’s) You know what they say, “when you gotta go, you gotta go”, but apparently, when you gotta give birth, you gotta go to McDonald’s

Local Woman Gives Birth in the Happiest Place on Earth (McDonald’s)

You know what they say, “when you gotta go, you gotta go”, but apparently, when you gotta give birth, you gotta go to McDonald’s. This is exactly what happened to a local Wisconsin woman who decided to bring her little bundle of joy into the world in the parking lot of McDonald’s. She couldn’t have picked a better place, given that McDonald’s is known for their “I’m lovin’ it” slogan.

As if eating McDonald’s food isn’t already risky enough, now we have people giving birth in their parking lots. Is this the new trend? Forget about giving birth in hospitals or even homes, McDonald’s parking lots are the place to be. Who needs a sterile environment and trained professionals when you can have a Big Mac and an impromptu delivery all in one go?

The woman, whose identity has not been released, was reportedly in labor and on the way to the hospital when she realized she was not going to make it. Instead of pulling over and calling for help, she decided to pull into the nearest McDonald’s and call it quits. It’s unclear whether or not she was in the mood for a Happy Meal after giving birth, or if she was just craving some golden arches.

Thankfully, the staff at the McDonald’s were quick to react and called 911. The woman and her newborn were rushed to the hospital where they are both said to be doing well. In a statement by the staff at the McDonald’s, they stated that it was an “unforgettable experience” and that they were “proud to have played a part in delivering a happy, healthy baby.”

Well, isn’t that just heartwarming? McDonald’s is known for their fast food, but who knew they were capable of delivering fast babies? This might put a whole new spin on their drive-thru service. Next time you hear the slogan “I’m lovin’ it”, it might be in reference to the miracle of life rather than their burgers.

Perhaps McDonald’s should start offering a “McDelivery” service for expectant mothers who can’t make it to the hospital in time. It could be their new niche market. Forget about pizza delivery, let’s have a fast food franchise delivery babies instead.

In all seriousness, giving birth in a McDonald’s parking lot is no laughing matter, and we’re glad to hear that both mother and baby are doing well. It’s just a shame that it had to happen in such an unusual place. Who knows, maybe this baby will grow up to be a famous McDonald’s spokesperson and tell the story of their unconventional birth on national television. Now that would make a great marketing campaign.

Until next time, keep calm and McBabies on.

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