In a shocking turn of events, a North Carolina woman’s addiction to Mountain Dew has finally paid off – quite literally

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In a shocking turn of events, a North Carolina woman’s addiction to Mountain Dew has finally paid off – quite literally. The woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous, won a whopping $10,000 in the state lottery after spending all of her spare change on the citrusy soda.

According to sources close to the woman, she had been a longtime fan of Mountain Dew, consuming several cans a day and even going so far as to stockpile bottles in her home. When she heard about the lottery ticket vending machines that were being installed at convenience stores across North Carolina, she knew it was fate.

“At first, I was just buying a ticket here and there,” the woman said. “But then I realized that if I skipped my morning Dew, I could afford to buy a whole roll of tickets. That’s when things really started to take off.”

The woman allegedly spent several hours each day at her local convenience store, purchasing tickets and chatting with the clerks about her love of Mountain Dew. She would often ask if they had any special promotions or contests related to the soft drink, but was always disappointed to learn that they did not.

Despite her mounting debt and dwindling savings account, the woman refused to give up her Mountain Dew habit or her lottery ticket obsession. Her family and friends tried to intervene, suggesting that she seek help for her addiction and find a better use for her money, but she wouldn’t listen.

“I just kept telling them that one day, my love of Mountain Dew would pay off,” she said. “I knew that if I kept buying those tickets, I would eventually hit the jackpot.”

And hit the jackpot she did. The woman reportedly matched all five of the winning numbers in the Cash 5 game, earning her $10,000 in prize money. When asked how she planned to spend her winnings, she was quick to reply.

“I’m going to buy as much Mountain Dew as I possibly can,” she said. “And maybe a few more lottery tickets, while I’m at it.”

Despite the woman’s unconventional spending habits, some experts say that her strategy may not be as crazy as it sounds. According to William Dendy, a financial planner and advisor, there are plenty of people who invest their money in riskier or less practical ventures.

“Whether it’s stocks, real estate, or even collectibles, people will always find ways to spend their money in ways that others might consider foolish,” he said. “If this woman enjoys Mountain Dew and playing the lottery, and she’s able to afford it, then who are we to judge?”

As for the woman herself, she says she has no plans to give up her Mountain Dew addiction or her lottery ticket obsession anytime soon. In fact, she’s already planning her next trip to the convenience store, where she hopes to hit it big once again.

“I just have a feeling that my luck isn’t going to run out anytime soon,” she said. “As long as I have my Mountain Dew and my lottery tickets, I’m a happy woman.”

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