Lucky Arkansas Woman Wins ANOTHER Lottery Prize: Vows to Keep Playing Until She Goes Broke It’s official

Lucky Arkansas Woman Wins ANOTHER Lottery Prize: Vows to Keep Playing Until She Goes Broke

It’s official. The saying “the rich get richer” has never been more accurate. An Arkansas woman is laughing all the way to the bank after scoring a whopping $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. And if you thought she would quit while she’s ahead, think again. This repeat winner says she’ll keep playing until she goes broke.

The woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous (because who wants the paparazzi on their tail after winning the lottery), has already collected three previous prizes totaling $16,000. And with this latest win, her total earnings have skyrocketed to $116,000.

In an interview with a local news station, the woman expressed her excitement saying, “I just couldn’t believe it. I kept thinking there had to be a catch or something, but nope, it’s the real deal!”

But while the woman is ecstatic about her windfall, others are starting to question her luck. Could she be gaming the system? Is she in cahoots with the lottery officials? Or is she just really, really, ridiculously lucky?

Whatever the case may be, the woman isn’t letting any haters bring her down. In fact, she’s already planning her next move. “I’m going to keep playing,” she says with a grin. “I don’t see any reason to stop now.”

And why should she stop? After all, she’s got the Midas touch when it comes to the lottery. She could probably buy out the entire stock of scratch-off tickets at her local convenience store and still come out on top.

But while her endless pursuit of riches may seem admirable in some light, others are shaking their heads at her seeming addiction to gambling. “She’s going to end up broke if she keeps this up,” says one neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous. “It’s just not healthy.”

But the woman remains steadfast in her determination to win big. She’s already planning her next vacation, her next car purchase, and maybe even a fancy new house. And who can blame her? The allure of a life of luxury is enough to make anyone want to keep playing.

So whether you think this Arkansas woman is the luckiest person on the planet or if you think she’s just plain greedy, there’s one thing for sure: she’s not stopping anytime soon. So buckle up, folks. The lottery jackpot is about to get a lot harder to win.

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