In a surprising turn of events, a friendly neighborhood pig found his way to the busy streets of Ontario

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In a surprising turn of events, a friendly neighborhood pig found his way to the busy streets of Ontario. The pig, aptly named “Houdini” by his rescuers, had managed to escape his home paddock and end up on a highway during rush hour traffic.

As drivers swerved to avoid the rogue pig, experts from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) had a field day condemning the “inhumane treatment” of pigs in the farming industry. They declared that Houdini was just one example of the many animals that suffer daily in farms across the country.

Meanwhile, supporters of the farming industry dismissed the incident as a random occurrence and pointed out that Houdini was probably just looking for attention. “He’s a pig, not a martyr,” scoffed one farmer.

The Ontario police department, known for their excellent response time when it comes to animal control, sprang into action and managed to corral the pig into a nearby trailer. Despite his escapades, Houdini remained calm and was even reportedly heard snorting contentedly as he was driven back to his home.

In a statement issued to the press, Houdini’s owner expressed relief that his beloved pig was safe and sound. “Houdini’s always been a bit of an escape artist,” he admitted, “but I never expected him to end up on the highway!”

Social media users had a field day with the incident, with a flurry of memes and puns making the rounds. Some even suggested that Houdini deserved his own reality show, with one comment reading, “Move over Kim Kardashian, Houdini’s got the spotlight now!”

Animal rights activists seized upon the opportunity to raise awareness about the inhumane treatment of farm animals. “We need to rethink how we view these creatures,” urged one activist. “Pigs are intelligent, emotional beings, just like us.”

Funnily enough, Houdini’s escape serves as a reminder of the power of one determined animal. As cars screeched to a halt and chaos reigned on the highway, one little pig had managed to captivate an entire city.

As for Houdini himself, he seems to be taking it all in stride. When asked to comment on the incident, he just snorted and rolled over for a belly rub. Maybe there’s a lesson in there for all of us, to enjoy the simple things in life and always strive for a great escape.

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