In a shocking turn of events, a Virginia man has won the state’s New Year’s Millionaire Raffle prize for the second time

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In a shocking turn of events, a Virginia man has won the state’s New Year’s Millionaire Raffle prize for the second time. The lucky winner, who chose to remain anonymous, has reportedly been jumping for joy ever since he received the news. After all, who wouldn’t be excited to win a multi-million dollar jackpot twice in their lifetime?

According to sources close to the winner, he initially thought there had been a mistake when he received the phone call from the Virginia Lottery informing him of his victory. “I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “I mean, what are the odds of winning this thing twice? It’s like getting struck by lightning twice in a row. I guess I must be some kind of lucky charm or something.”

The man, who won his first New Year’s Millionaire Raffle prize back in 2014, plans to use his winnings to pay off his mortgage and put some money aside for his retirement. “I’m not going to blow it all on fancy cars and vacations,” he said. “I’ve already done that once, and it’s just not worth it. I want to be smart with my money this time around.”

While some may be envious of the man’s good fortune, others are skeptical about the odds of winning the raffle twice. “It’s statistically improbable,” said one expert. “The chances of winning one of these raffles is already slim to none, let alone winning it twice. It makes you wonder if there’s something fishy going on.”

Of course, the Virginia Lottery has assured the public that everything is above board and that the winner’s victory is purely a matter of luck. “We have a rigorous system in place to ensure the integrity of our raffles,” said a spokesperson for the organization. “We’re just happy to see someone win big twice. It’s a rare occurrence, but it does happen.”

Despite the skeptics, the man’s second win has garnered him plenty of attention in the media. News outlets from around the country have been clamoring to interview the winner, who has become something of a celebrity in his hometown. “I never thought I’d be famous for winning the lottery,” he said. “It’s been a wild ride.”

Indeed, the man’s story is one that many dream of, but few ever achieve. With his newfound wealth, he plans to live a comfortable life and enjoy his retirement to the fullest. “I’m just grateful for the opportunity to live my life on my own terms,” he said. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure does make things a lot easier.”

In the end, whether the man’s victory was a stroke of luck or divine intervention, one thing is clear: he’s living the dream that many of us wish we could. As for the rest of us mere mortals, we’ll just have to settle for buying a few scratch-off tickets and hoping for the best. Hey, you never know – lightning could strike twice.

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