California Couple’s Museum of 40,550 Bunny-Related Items Earns World Record In today’s news, the world record for the most bunny-related items has been achieved by a California couple, proving that rabbit fever isn’t just reserved for the Looney Tunes cartoons

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California Couple’s Museum of 40,550 Bunny-Related Items Earns World Record

In today’s news, the world record for the most bunny-related items has been achieved by a California couple, proving that rabbit fever isn’t just reserved for the Looney Tunes cartoons.

Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski have been collecting bunny-related items for over two decades, and they’ve amassed over 40,550 objects in the process. The couple, who refer to themselves as “Rabbit People,” have turned their obsession into a museum in Pasadena, California, and it’s now been given the official Guinness World Record for bunny-item hoarding.

“We always knew we had a lot of bunny stuff, but we never thought it would become a world record,” said Frazee. “It’s a bit overwhelming, to be honest.”

Overwhelming is certainly one word for it, but insane is another. The museum boasts everything from bunny-shaped lamps to bunny-themed condoms (yes, really), and even has a giant statue of a Playboy Bunny. Apparently, Frazee and Lubanski’s love of all things bunny started when they received a stuffed rabbit as a wedding present, and things just spiraled out of control from there.

While some may find their hobby admirable, others are left wondering what on earth led two grown adults to accumulate such a vast collection of bunny paraphernalia. Are they secretly plotting to take over the world with a horde of fluffy hares? Or do they just really, really love bunnies?

We may never know, but what we do know is that this museum is the perfect place for a serial killer to hide in plain sight. After all, who would suspect someone so devoted to a cute and cuddly animal to be capable of such heinous crimes?

But, on a more positive note, at least Frazee and Lubanski have found a way to make their passion work for them. The museum has become a popular destination for tourists and school children alike, and they even host bunny-themed parties and events.

“It’s really a labor of love for us,” said Lubanski. “We just hope that our collection can inspire others to follow their passions, no matter how weird or bunny-related they may be.”

Who knows, maybe we’ll see a surge in cat museums or dog-themed cafes next. But for now, let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that this couple have achieved something most of us can only dream of- a world record for owning the most bunny-related items. Now that’s something to hop about.

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