In a stunning display of responsibility and maturity, a former Maryland resident returned a Pink Floyd CD to the library after a mere three and a half decades of having it in their possession

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In a stunning display of responsibility and maturity, a former Maryland resident returned a Pink Floyd CD to the library after a mere three and a half decades of having it in their possession. The album, “Dark Side of the Moon,” was allegedly borrowed from the Silver Spring Library in the early 1980s and miraculously resurfaced on the library’s doorstep last week.

The library staff was in awe at the miraculous return of a long lost artifact dating back to a time when Reagan was president, air travel was cheap, and people still wore impractical polyester bell-bottoms. The library supervisor, who was not even born when the album was first borrowed, said that she was not sure how to handle the situation since she had never dealt with a returned item so old.

Residents in the area are excited at the prospect of finally being able to enjoy Pink Floyd’s masterpiece once again, assuming that they still have a CD player and have not moved on to streaming services like any sane person in the modern era.

“I used to listen to this album all the time when I was a teenager,” said one local resident. “But, then again, I also had a crush on Kevin Bacon, so my musical taste can probably be disregarded.”

The former borrower, who requested anonymity, stated that they found the album while cleaning out their attic and decided that it was about time to return it. When asked about the hefty overdue fines that had accumulated over the years, the individual stated that they were unaware of any such fines and concluded that it was probably better to pretend that they didn’t exist.

The library has forgiven the fines and welcomed the CD back into circulation with open arms, even though they felt a little salty about the whole ordeal, especially since the library had to update its computer system to even allow for the item to be returned.

“I mean, it’s just a little inconvenient for our staff to have to navigate through a computer system that’s older than the majority of our library patrons,” said the library supervisor. “But hey, at least we got the CD back, right?”

The return of the Pink Floyd CD has sparked a sense of nostalgia and optimism in the community, giving people a chance to relive the glory days when alternative rock wasn’t a subgenre and hair didn’t require a monthly appointment. It is also a reminder that sometimes when you borrow something, you should probably give it back before you’re senior citizens.

In conclusion, the return of the Pink Floyd CD is a shining example of humanity’s best qualities and we can only hope that this trend of returning borrowed items continues to spread, much like the plague, but with less devastating effects.

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