Family Gets Surprise Gift With Their Christmas Tree: An Owl! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The time when families come together, bake cookies, sing carols, and make memories that will last a lifetime

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Family Gets Surprise Gift With Their Christmas Tree: An Owl!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The time when families come together, bake cookies, sing carols, and make memories that will last a lifetime. And what better way to make those memories than to add a new member to the family – like a furry, feathery, wild owl!

That’s exactly what happened to the Smith family from Kentucky this year when they brought home their Christmas tree. Along with the tree, they discovered a cute little owl hiding inside. And what a perfect addition to their holiday spirit!

“It was like we hit the jackpot,” gushed Mrs. Smith. “Who wouldn’t want to have a wild animal in their home during the holidays?”

The Smiths were overjoyed when they found the bird. They even named it Noel after the festive spirit that the holidays bring. The bird has been nothing but a good omen for them since they found it. Mr. Smith even went so far as to say that he has never felt so close to nature!

When asked what they would do with the owl after the holidays were over, the Smiths didn’t skip a beat. “Oh, we’ll just let it loose in the woods,” said Mr. Smith. “It’s not like owls need to be in any particular habitat or anything.”

The Smiths’ neighbors were also delighted by the news, though some raised concerns about the bird’s welfare. But Mrs. Smith dismissed those concerns, citing the bird’s short stint in their home as proof of its resilience.

“We gave it some Christmas cookies and everything,” she said. “It’s not like it’s going to be shocked or anything when it gets back to the wild.”

While it’s true that the holidays can bring many surprises, it’s important to remember that not all of them are good. Wild animals, including owls, can easily become disoriented and stressed out by human contact. Bringing them into our homes can do more harm than good, despite our good intentions.

So, while the Smith family may have had good intentions, their actions were not necessarily in the best interest of the owl. Next time, let’s hope they stick to traditional holiday surprises like eggnog or Secret Santa gifts.

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