IOWA MAN PROVES THAT HE HAS GOT THE WRITE STUFF An Iowa man has done what many believed to be impossible, he has earned himself a Guinness World Records title for his collection of pencils


An Iowa man has done what many believed to be impossible, he has earned himself a Guinness World Records title for his collection of pencils. That’s right, pencils.

John Williams, a resident of Des Moines, Iowa, has amassed a staggering 69,255 pencils over the course of his lifetime. His collection includes pencils of all shapes, colors and sizes, some dating back to the early 1900s.

Williams, who claims to have started collecting pencils as a child, has spent countless hours scouring flea markets, estate sales and even eBay to grow his impressive collection.

When asked about his motivation for collecting pencils, Williams responded, “Well, you can never have too many pencils, right? Plus, I just love the smell of sharpened wood.”

After several years of counting and verifying his collection, the Guinness World Records organization officially recognized Williams’ achievement, awarding him the title for the Largest Collection of Pencils in the World.

“It’s a great honor,” said Williams upon receiving the title. “I’ve always wanted to make my mark on the world and now I have.”

But while Williams may be reveling in his newfound fame and glory, some are questioning the value and practicality of such an absurd collection.

“Sure, it’s impressive that he has so many pencils,” said one local resident. “But what’s he going to do with them all? Use them to draw a very detailed picture of a giant pencil?”

Others have taken to social media to express their confusion and disbelief.

“Who needs 69,000 pencils?” asked one Twitter user. “Does he have a sharpener the size of a house?”

Despite the skeptics, Williams’ title remains official and Guinness World Records has even invited him to attend their annual awards ceremony in London, England.

As for what Williams plans to do with his colossal collection, he says he has no intention of slowing down.

“I’ll keep collecting until the day I die,” he declared. “And who knows? Maybe I’ll even break my own record someday.”

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