Zoos in New York and Texas Offering Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts: Naming Rights for Cockroaches Move over chocolates and flowers, the newest and most romantic gift for Valentine’s Day is

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Zoos in New York and Texas Offering Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts: Naming Rights for Cockroaches

Move over chocolates and flowers, the newest and most romantic gift for Valentine’s Day is… cockroaches. That’s right, zoos in New York and Texas are offering the opportunity to name Madagascan hissing cockroaches after loved ones or exes for a mere $5.

Nothing says “I love you” or “I can’t stand you” quite like having a creepy-crawly insect named after your significant other or former flame. And if you’re lucky, maybe the cockroach will even hiss in agreement with your feelings towards them.

Both the Bronx Zoo in New York and the Houston Zoo in Texas are participating in this groundbreaking idea, which they have cleverly named “Name-a-Roach”. It’s the perfect gift for those who are tired of the usual Valentine’s Day presents like teddy bears and jewelry, and instead want to give their loved ones something truly unforgettable.

The Bronx Zoo’s website boasts that naming a cockroach is “the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for the one that’s still bugging you.” How romantic. And if you really want to take it to the next level, you can upgrade your gift to a more deluxe package that includes chocolates, a certificate, and even a stuffed cockroach toy for an additional $10. Because who wouldn’t want a plush cockroach to snuggle up with at night?

The Houston Zoo’s version of the promotion is similarly titled “Cry Me a Cockroach” and allows participants to name a roach after their ex (or current) partner. The zoo even promises to display the names on a giant board outside the cockroach exhibit so that everyone can see how much you still love (or hate) your significant other.

It’s unclear what the cockroaches themselves think of all this. Do they feel honored to be named after people they’ve never met? Or are they just happy to have a warm, humid environment to live in? We may never know.

In any case, this new trend is sure to have some interesting (and possibly unsettling) consequences. Will couples start arguing over who gets to name the cockroach after whom? And what happens when the cockroach inevitably dies…will there be a funeral service? These are important questions that need to be addressed.

One thing’s for sure, the “Name-a-Roach” promotion is certainly unique and will definitely stand out among all the traditional Valentine’s Day gifts. It’s also a great way to support your local zoo and their conservation efforts. After all, cockroaches are an important part of our ecosystem, even if they’re not the most lovable creatures.

So, if you’re looking to spice up your Valentine’s Day this year, why not consider giving the gift of a cockroach? It’s a gift that will truly last a lifetime (or at least until the next time someone cleans out the insect exhibit).

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