Breaking News: Local Candidate Who Can’t Make Decisions Loses By One Vote In a shocking turn of events, it has been reported that an inactive voter has lost the city council election by a single vote

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Breaking News: Local Candidate Who Can’t Make Decisions Loses By One Vote

In a shocking turn of events, it has been reported that an inactive voter has lost the city council election by a single vote. The candidate, who reportedly failed to make it to the voting booth on election day, has allegedly missed out on being elected to public office due to their own negligence.

Sources close to the campaign claim that the individual in question had every intention of voting, but somehow found themselves unable to do so. Whether it be a busy schedule, lack of motivation, or sheer forgetfulness, it seems that this would-be politician failed to do the one thing required of them in order to win the election – vote.

Witnesses at the polling station have described the scene as chaotic, with members of the public struggling to comprehend how one person’s failure to take part in the democratic process could have such a significant impact. One voter even expressed their frustration, saying, “I can’t believe someone who didn’t even bother to show up could lose by one vote!”

As of now, there has been no statement from the unsuccessful candidate, who has reportedly retreated to their private residence in order to reflect on what might have been. Sources close to them have suggested that they may pursue legal action, citing everything from voter suppression to “lack of motivation” as reasons for their loss.

The candidate’s opponents, meanwhile, have been quick to capitalize on the situation, with one campaign manager reportedly sending out an email blast asking supporters to “vote early, vote often, and definitely don’t forget to show up!”

It remains to be seen whether the defeated candidate will recover from this humiliating setback and attempt to run for office again in the future. For now, though, it seems that the only thing they can do is lick their wounds and accept their sorry lot in life – that of a non-voter who could have been a contender.

As for the voters of Washington D.C., well, they can at least rest easy knowing that their democratic process is still intact – even if some candidates can’t be bothered to take part in it. When asked for comment, a spokesperson for the election board simply replied, “It’s a shame when anyone doesn’t vote, but the rules are clear – you have to show up if you want to win.”

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