A llama on the loose caused havoc on a busy Canadian highway yesterday, as drivers were forced to swerve and slam on their brakes to avoid the runaway animal

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A llama on the loose caused havoc on a busy Canadian highway yesterday, as drivers were forced to swerve and slam on their brakes to avoid the runaway animal.

The llama, who remains unnamed, was first spotted by a truck driver early on Tuesday morning, as they made their way along the Trans-Canada Highway. The driver, who wished to remain anonymous, said they couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the giant, fuzzy creature galloping down the middle of the road.

“I thought I was hallucinating at first,” said the driver. “But then I rubbed my eyes and realized there was definitely a llama running down the highway towards me.”

The driver quickly pulled over to the side of the road, and began frantically dialing 911 to alert authorities of the llama’s presence. But before they could finish dialing, the llama had disappeared from sight, leaving the driver scratching their head in confusion.

However, it wasn’t long before the runaway animal reappeared, much to the chagrin of other drivers on the road. Many reported having to swerve to avoid hitting the llama, who seemed determined to make a break for it down the busy highway.

“It was chaos out there,” said one driver, who narrowly avoided hitting the llama with their car. “I’m just glad nobody got hurt.”

Police were eventually called to the scene, and spent several hours attempting to corral the rogue llama. Using a combination of ropes and animal feed, they were eventually able to coax the animal off the busy highway and back into a nearby field.

“It was definitely one of the more interesting calls we’ve had in a while,” said Constable Mike Williams, of the local RCMP. “But we’re just happy nobody got hurt, and that the llama is now safely back where it belongs.”

The llama’s owner, who has yet to be identified, could not be reached for comment, although it’s believed they will be facing a fine for allowing their animal to roam free on a busy highway.

As for the llama itself, it’s unclear what motivated the animal to make a run for it in the first place. Some speculate it was simply looking for a bit of adventure, while others believe it may have been trying to escape an overly strict diet of hay and grass.

Whatever the case may be, the lesson is clear: never underestimate the power of a loose llama on the highway. Stay safe out there, folks!

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