Local hiker, Joe Schmo, stumbled upon a mystery big cat in the mountains of Arizona and managed to capture it on camera

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Local hiker, Joe Schmo, stumbled upon a mystery big cat in the mountains of Arizona and managed to capture it on camera. Schmo, who was out on a leisurely hike with his pet Chihuahua, claims that the creature was larger than any wild cat he had ever seen before.

“I knew something was up when my dog started barking like crazy,” says Schmo, “and then I saw it – this massive cat just staring at us from across the way. I managed to snap a picture before it took off.”

The photograph shows a blurry figure in the distance which some are speculating could be anything from a bobcat to a mountain lion. However, Schmo is insistent that it was something far more exotic.

“At first, I thought it might be a misplaced tiger from the local zoo or something,” he says. “But when I went back to check, there were no signs of any escaped animals.”

Local wildlife experts are also unsure of the creature’s identity, with some suggesting that it could be a big cat from South America that has somehow found its way to Arizona.

“It’s a mystery for sure,” says Dr. Jane Smith, a leading big cat expert in the area. “We have no evidence to suggest that anything like this has ever been seen in Arizona before. But then again, stranger things have happened in the animal kingdom.”

As news of the mystery creature spreads, some are already hailing it as the next Bigfoot or Loch Ness monster – a creature that captures the public’s imagination and generates millions in tourism revenue.

“If this thing is for real, then we could be looking at a major boost for the local economy,” says local business owner, Jake Johnson. “People love a good mystery, and they’ll come from all over to try and catch a glimpse of this thing.”

Others, however, are more skeptical, with some suggesting that the photograph could be a hoax designed to drum up publicity.

“It wouldn’t be the first time that someone has faked a picture like this,” says local conspiracy theorist, John Doe. “It’s all just a ploy to distract us from the real issues – like why the government is hiding evidence of alien life!”

Whatever the truth may be about the mystery big cat, one thing is for sure – it has already captured the public’s attention. From speculations about its origins to debates about its existence, this creature has become the talk of the town. And who knows – maybe one day we’ll finally get to see it up close and personal. Or, you know, find out that it’s just a really big housecat.

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