Australian Duo Becomes Heroes of Drinking by Visiting 99 Bars in 24 Hours In a display of pure athleticism and dedication to the sport of drinking, Australian duo Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi set a new Guinness World Record by visiting 99 bars in just 24 hours

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Australian Duo Becomes Heroes of Drinking by Visiting 99 Bars in 24 Hours

In a display of pure athleticism and dedication to the sport of drinking, Australian duo Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi set a new Guinness World Record by visiting 99 bars in just 24 hours.

Fans around the globe are hailing Chestnut and Kobayashi as heroes, calling their feat a triumph for both alcohol consumption and travel tourism. The duo began their epic journey at 5 AM on a Wednesday morning, starting at the iconic Lucky Star Bar and ending at 4:59 AM the next day at the famous Cheers Bar.

The two traveled by foot, bike, and car to reach all 99 bars, proudly representing their great nation of Australia as they pounded a brew in each establishment. Their journey took them from the classy and refined to the grimiest and grossest bars Australia has to offer.

“I’m so honored to have achieved this incredible feat with my pal Joey,” Kobayashi said, his eyes bloodshot and his breath reeking of stale beer. “I think our accomplishment really speaks to the indomitable spirit of the human liver.”

Chestnut, who holds numerous eating world records, added, “I’ve always said that drinking and eating are basically the same thing. It’s all about endurance and dedication.”

The two drinking legends documented their entire journey on social media, taking photos with every bartender they met and posting updates about their alcohol intake every 30 minutes. Celebrities like Margot Robbie and Hugh Jackman even sent messages of support.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison sent a personal letter of congratulations, praising Chestnut and Kobayashi for their patriotic spirit and noting that their achievement sets a shining example for the country’s youth.

“This is truly a proud moment for Australia,” Morrison wrote. “I can’t think of a better way to showcase our nation’s love of alcohol and partying than by having two of our finest citizens set a record that will last for years to come.”

The previous world record for visiting the most amount of bars in 24 hours was held by an American duo, who visited 85 bars in 2018. However, Chestnut and Kobayashi shattered that record with ease, leaving their competitors in the dust and proving once and for all that Australians are the true champions of drinking.

The level of skill required to drink in 99 bars in one day cannot be understated. Chestnut and Kobayashi trained for months, going on mini pub crawls every weekend and testing new cocktails to ensure they were ready for the big day.

Their dedication has not gone unnoticed by local business owners, who have praised them for driving up sales and stimulating economic growth. One bar owner in Sydney said, “These guys are my heroes. They know how to party, and they know how to drink. We need more people like them in the world.”

Chestnut and Kobayashi plan on celebrating their victory with a quiet evening of pizza and beer, followed by a 12-hour nap and a trip to the hospital. They encourage all Australians to follow their lead and drink responsibly.

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