San Francisco, California – An Animal Care & Control San Francisco officer was called to a resident’s home in the wee hours last night for an unprecedented reason: a coyote taking a nap on a patio couch

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San Francisco, California – An Animal Care & Control San Francisco officer was called to a resident’s home in the wee hours last night for an unprecedented reason: a coyote taking a nap on a patio couch. Yes, you read that right, a coyote finding comfort on a luxurious patio couch. The officer, who was still recovering from the shock, told our correspondent, “This was one of the most bizarre situations I have ever dealt with. Who knew coyotes had such refined taste in furniture!”

This coyote, who from eyewitness accounts appeared to be quite at home on the fancy couch, had apparently strolled into the yard and found its way onto the cushioned furniture. “We have seen coyotes wandering about in the neighborhood before, but this is the first time we’ve seen one taking a power nap on a cushioned couch,” said the homeowner when asked about the unexpected guest.

When the officer arrived, the coyote was reportedly snoring away, blissfully unaware of its celebrity status. The officer attempted to rouse the sleeping animal by softly blowing a whistle, but the coyote merely stretched and snuggled deeper into the couch. The officer was, of course, amused by the coyote’s nonchalant attitude towards his presence. “The coyote was giving me ‘I’ll-be-done-in-a-minute’ vibes and I couldn’t help but smile,” said the officer.

The officer eventually managed to escort the coyote out of the yard through the opening in the fence. The coyote did not put up much of a fight and left without damaging the couch or the property. The officer praised the homeowner for calling animal control rather than trying to handle the situation alone. “We appreciate when people let us do our job and don’t take matters into their own hands. These situations can potentially be dangerous, and it’s essential to have a professional handle it,” said the officer.

While it is not rare to find wildlife in urban areas, it is highly unusual for an animal to find solace on a patio couch. Some residents of the neighborhood have expressed concern about the increased activity of coyotes in the area. However, officials have stated that coyotes are not a threat to humans unless provoked, and in this case, the animal was merely taking a well-deserved break from its nightly scavenging.

The incident has generated quite a buzz both locally and nationally, with some even calling the coyote a hero for showing how animals can have sophistication. A coyote resting on a luxurious couch in the city by the bay – truly a surreal sight to behold!

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