“Opossum steals the show at Texas Tech vs TCU football game – fans declare it MVP” LUBBOCK, TEXAS – In what could only be described as a game-changing move, an unexpected player decided to take the field during the first quarter of the Texas Tech vs Texas Christian University football game

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“Opossum steals the show at Texas Tech vs TCU football game – fans declare it MVP”

LUBBOCK, TEXAS – In what could only be described as a game-changing move, an unexpected player decided to take the field during the first quarter of the Texas Tech vs Texas Christian University football game. Cue the dramatic entrance of an opossum, who drew cheers from the crowd and the attention of players and officials alike.

At first, it appeared that attempts to remove the marsupial from the field were successful. However, the opossum was not to be deterred and scampered back onto the playing area, earning its rightful place as the real star of the show.

MCAT, a TCU fan, said, “I’ve been coming to football games for years, but nothing has compared to the excitement that little opossum brought to the field. I mean, come on, that was the most electrifying moment of the game.”

An avid Texas Tech fan, Joe Johnson, chimed in, “I can’t believe that opossum stole the spotlight from our beloved players. It’s almost like the officials should have awarded it MVP.”

Social media was ablaze with commentary as fans shared gifs and memes of the furry hero. Even the official Texas Tech football twitter account gave the opossum a shoutout, declaring it the “true winner” of the game.

While the opossum may not have technically scored any points during the game, it certainly won over the hearts of many fans. Some even expressed their desire for the marsupial to become the official mascot of the Texas Tech football team.

In a post-game interview, Texas Tech Coach Matt Wells acknowledged the opossum’s star power, saying, “I have to give credit where credit is due. That was one talented opossum. Hopefully, we can recruit it for our team one day.”

As for the opossum itself, sources say that it was unharmed and eventually left the field on its own accord. It’s safe to say that it will forever be remembered as a true legend in the world of college football.

In conclusion, who needs human players when we have wildlife entertainment like this? Maybe every game should have a designated animal to add that extra bit of excitement. After all, it’s not every day that a four-legged creature steals the show from a group of highly trained athletes.

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