LUBBOCK, TEXAS – The ultimate underdog of the animal kingdom took the field during a college football game on Saturday night when an opossum scurried onto the turf

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LUBBOCK, TEXAS – The ultimate underdog of the animal kingdom took the field during a college football game on Saturday night when an opossum scurried onto the turf.

The furry creature made its way onto the field at Jones AT&T Stadium during the third quarter of the Texas Tech game against the Kansas State Wildcats. Crowd members and players alike were stunned by the unexpected guest’s fearless demeanor.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Tech player Alan Bowman. “I mean, we’re used to dealing with wild animals on the football field – like, you know, the opposing team – but an opossum? That’s a new one.”

While the opossum initially seemed unphased by the attention it was receiving, the commotion proved to be too much for the critter, which eventually scampered off the field and disappeared into the night.

Not one to miss an opportunity for a dramatic twist, the game made an epic comeback during the fourth quarter, with Texas Tech pulling off a last-minute win against the Wildcats. Social media enthusiasts were quick to suggest that the opossum was actually a good luck charm for the victorious team.

Some fans even suggested that the furry creature be named the official mascot of the football team. “I mean, how could you not love that little guy?” said one Tech student.

Others, however, were not as amused. Animal activists criticized the rowdy crowd for cheering on the frightened animal, and urged football officials to take steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The university’s official statement, however, seemed to embrace the opossum’s unexpected appearance. “We love our wild creatures here in Texas, and we’re proud to share our stadium with all species great and small,” read the statement. “While we can’t guarantee that an opossum will visit every game, we welcome all critters with open arms.”

With the game and the opossum’s fifteen minutes of fame now behind us, it remains to be seen what the future holds for the animal world’s newest sports icon. Will this be the start of a new trend, with opossums, raccoons, and other woodland creatures taking over football fields across the country? Only time will tell.

For now, fans and players can rest assured that while the competition may be fierce on the field, they can always count on a few furry friends to keep life interesting. The opossum may have started out as an unexpected guest, but it ended up stealing the show. Who knows what other species might be up for the challenge?

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