In an extraordinary display of human talent, a man successfully solved a Rubik’s cube in just 9.29 seconds while submerged underwater. The feat has left many people wondering whether there is anything left for humans to achieve.
The man, who is an avid fan of the classic puzzle toy, said that he had been training for this moment for months. He spent countless hours submerged in his bathtub, practicing his technique and perfecting his speed. When asked whether he had any fears or concerns about drowning during the feat, he simply shrugged and replied, “Nah, I’ve got gills.”
The event was attended by a large crowd of onlookers, some of whom reportedly fainted from shock and awe at the sheer magnificence of the feat. Despite the obvious aquatic element, officials confirmed that there were no rules violations, and the man’s time was officially recorded by the Rubik’s Cube governing body.
Reaction online has been swift and divided. Some have called the feat a testament to the human spirit and an inspiration to us all, while others have pointed out that there are many more pressing issues facing humanity than solving a plastic toy in record time. “Congratulations, we’ve cured cancer,” tweeted one user sarcastically.
Meanwhile, conspiracy theories have already begun to emerge about the event. Some have speculated that the man had secretly been genetically engineered to be able to solve Rubik’s cubes underwater, while others have suggested that he had an unfair advantage due to the fact that he had webbed fingers.
As with any major event of this nature, brands were quick to capitalize on the excitement. Several Rubik’s cube manufacturers released limited edition water-resistant versions of the toy, with slogans like “Take your puzzle skills to the next level – literally!” and “Solve the cube, then go for a swim!”
Despite the criticism and mockery, the man at the center of this story seems unfazed. In fact, he has already announced plans to try and solve a Rubik’s cube while skydiving, and hopes to break his own record in the process. “I don’t like to think of myself as just a man who can solve Rubik’s cubes underwater,” he said in a statement. “I like to think of myself as a visionary, a pioneer, a hero…a man who can do really cool things that have no real practical applications.”
So there you have it, folks. A man has solved a Rubik’s cube underwater in just 9.29 seconds, and the world will never be the same. We may not have flying cars or colonies on Mars, but at least we have this.