Chinese Company Achieves Monumental Feat: Cooks Up 112 Pounds of Instant Luosifen It’s official folks, the Guinness World Record for the largest cup of instant rice noodles has been shattered by a Chinese food company

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Chinese Company Achieves Monumental Feat: Cooks Up 112 Pounds of Instant Luosifen

It’s official folks, the Guinness World Record for the largest cup of instant rice noodles has been shattered by a Chinese food company. The company, whose name remains unknown, recently cooked up a mouth-watering 112 pounds of instant luosifen, leaving everyone in awe of their remarkable accomplishment.

Luosifen, a popular snack in China’s southwestern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is typically made up of rice noodles flavoured with vinegar, chilli oil and pickled bamboo shoots. While many noodle enthusiasts may have indulged in their fair share of luosifen, no one has even come close to cooking up a serving as gargantuan as this.

The company reportedly used a custom-made, giant bowl to cook up this massive serving of noodles. The bowl, which was as tall as a fully-grown adult, had to be lifted into place by a group of muscular men, who grunted through the weight of the massive contraption.

As the instant noodles were being prepared, the aroma of spices and soup base filled the air, causing many bystanders to salivate in anticipation. The company must have known just how many people were desperate to get a taste of the record-breaking noodles because they set up several barriers to keep the public at bay. It seems as if they were afraid that the masses would rush in and gobble up all the noodles before they had a chance to set the world record.

Once the noodle-making had reached its climax, the company presented their creation to the judges who were tasked with measuring and verifying if it had indeed broken the Guinness World Record. As the judges took their measurements, one could almost hear a pin drop in the deafening silence as they went about their business.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived and the judges officially declared that the Chinese food company had successfully achieved the world record for the largest cup of instant noodles, setting the bar to a whopping 112 pounds.

Naturally, the company was ecstatic at their achievement, and rightly so. They win the award for cooking up an unimaginable amount of instant noodles that could probably last a small, deprived country for an entire year.

In conclusion, while many of us struggle to make a decent cup of instant noodles, this Chinese food company has set a high bar, a world record bar. So, if you ever find yourself in China and craving a bowl of noodles, make sure to visit this soon-to-be famous food company and demand a serving of their Guinness World Record luosifen.

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