Thousand of sheep descended upon the usually-quiet town of Cedar City, Utah for the legendary Sheep Parade, much to the delight of residents and tourists alike

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Thousand of sheep descended upon the usually-quiet town of Cedar City, Utah for the legendary Sheep Parade, much to the delight of residents and tourists alike. Okay, who are we kidding, there were probably more shepherds than tourists, but you get the idea.

Main Street was transformed into a sea of wool as the fluffy white mammals made their way down the street, no doubt thrilled to finally get a change of scenery from the mundane farm life they’re used to. And by “thrilled,” we mean “completely unaware of their surroundings and just minding their own business.”

The parade started at 10 a.m. sharp, because apparently sheep have a schedule to keep. The animals were divided into groups to make it easier for viewers to differentiate between them, although let’s be honest, one sheep looks pretty much the same as another.

The Sheep Parade has a long history in Cedar City, dating back to the 1920s when it was first started as a way to celebrate the town’s agricultural roots. Or maybe it was just an excuse for the townsfolk to show off their prized sheep, who knows?

Regardless of the original intent, the parade has become somewhat of a tradition, with locals flocking (pun intended) to Main Street every year to catch a glimpse of the fluffy spectacle.

Of course, with any major event comes a bit of controversy. Animal rights activists have criticized the parade in the past, with some claiming that the sheep are mistreated and forced to endure a stressful and uncomfortable ordeal.

However, the parade organizers were quick to defend the event, stating that the sheep are well-cared for and that steps are taken to ensure their safety and comfort during the parade.

At the end of the day, it seems that the Sheep Parade is here to stay, much like that smelly old sheepskin rug your grandma used to have in her living room.

So if you missed this year’s parade, have no fear – there’s always next year. Just make sure to brush up on your knowledge of sheep breeds beforehand so you can impress your friends with your newfound expertise. Because nothing says “fun fact” quite like “did you know that the Merino breed produces the finest wool in the world?”

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