Jonesboro, Arkansas – In a shocking turn of events, the Scott family suspects that a meteorite was behind the smoldering hole in their deck

Jonesboro, Arkansas – In a shocking turn of events, the Scott family suspects that a meteorite was behind the smoldering hole in their deck. The family was on their back porch grilling up some burgers when they noticed a smoking hole in their deck. Naturally, they took to social media to share their incredible discovery.

“We couldn’t believe it! We were just grilling some meat and next thing you know, we have a smoking hole in our deck,” said Jerry Scott, the head of the household, in his Facebook post. “But we have our theories, and it’s probably a meteorite that fell from the sky!”

The post quickly went viral, with many social media users chiming in on the family’s discovery. Some were fascinated, some were skeptical, and some were just plain confused. We decided to investigate further to find the truth behind this smoking hole mystery.

Our investigative team arrived at the Scott residence, where we were greeted by Jerry and his family. We were immediately struck by the gaping hole in their deck, which emitted a faint smoke that smelled an awful lot like freshly grilled burgers. Jerry was eager to show us around and share his theories about what caused the hole.

“You see that tree over there? It’s probably what broke the meteorite’s fall,” Jerry explained, pointing to a nearby tree. “And this hole here? That’s probably where the meteorite hit first. But don’t worry, we’re sure it’s not radioactive or anything.”

We raised our eyebrows at his theory, but Jerry seemed incredibly convinced. He even showed us a video he took of the mysterious hole, which showed some smoke but no visible signs of a meteorite.

As we delved deeper into the mystery, we spoke with some experts in the field. Dr. Bill Cooke, renowned meteorite expert at NASA, had this to say:

“At this time, we have no evidence of a meteorite impact in Jonesboro. While meteorites do occasionally fall to Earth, they are most often detected and tracked by our system of meteor cameras. Furthermore, the Scott family’s video lacks any clear evidence of a meteorite.”

We were taken aback by this revelation and decided to confront Jerry about it. However, he remained steadfast in his belief and even shrugged off Dr. Cooke’s testimony.

“Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion,” Jerry said with a dismissive wave. “But we know what we saw, and we’re sticking to our story.”

We left the Scott residence feeling more confused than ever. While their theory certainly makes for an interesting story, we urge caution in jumping to conclusions about the supposed meteorite impact. Until we have more concrete evidence, we’re chalking this one up to a mystery yet to be solved.

In the meantime, we advise all grillmasters to keep a watchful eye on their decks. Who knows what other extraterrestrial surprises may be lurking above.

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