New York, the city that never sleeps, certainly didn’t take a nap yesterday, at least not for one unfortunate individual who got locked up in a vault for over 10 hours

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New York, the city that never sleeps, certainly didn’t take a nap yesterday, at least not for one unfortunate individual who got locked up in a vault for over 10 hours. While most of us try to avoid locking ourselves in our house or even in the bathroom, this New Yorker suffered a fate much worse- being locked in a vault. Apparently, this individual thought going on an adventure would spice up their day, however, we doubt they were looking for this kind of adventure.

At first, the story might sound a bit unsettling, and one might even feel sorry for the individual. But let’s be real, who gets locked in a vault, especially in 2021? Was this person trying to find some hidden treasure or was it just sheer stupidity? The report does not clarify, but we will assume it’s the latter.

The police and fire department rushed to the scene once the incident was reported and, after successfully drilling their way through the vault, discovered the individual inside. We can only imagine the embarrassment that this person must have felt, and the teasing they will receive from friends and family for the next decade.

When we contacted the individual, they stated, “I was just trying to withdraw ten-thousand dollars, you know, make a quick withdrawal. I didn’t realize the vault would shut on me like that.” Wait a minute, ten-thousand dollars?? Who carries that kind of cash around? Was this a shenanigan attempt? Is this some sort of Scrooge McDuck level investment?

Furthermore, we at the news agency have to ask, where were the bank personnel? How does the bank leave someone in a vault for 10 hours? It seems like they have a lot of questions to answer, and surely the customer in question will be adding to that list when they file a lawsuit for “mental distress.”

We can only guess what the poor soul was doing all those hours inside the vault. Did they count the money (which we still find hard to believe was in there)? Did they fall asleep? Did they talk to the ghosts of bank robbers past? Was this a scheme to get out of paying bills? We’ll never know, but we hope the bank took measures to secure their staff and the customer’s well-being once they were rescued.

Maybe the bank can turn this into a marketing campaign- “Deposit your money, we promise we won’t lock you in a vault for hours on end!” They say that all publicity is good publicity, right?

Overall, it’s tough to decide who to blame in this situation. The individual definitely holds some responsibility for trying to withdraw such an exorbitant amount of cash and for thinking that going into the vault was a good idea. However, the bank should have implemented better security measures, ensuring people don’t get locked inside their vault. We’ll leave it up to the courts to decide who is at fault, but for now, we’re just glad that the individual is safe.

In conclusion, if you’re planning on going on a treasure hunt, make sure you have the right equipment, or in this case, avoid vaults altogether.

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