In a move that is sure to raise eyebrows, a British university is now offering a master’s degree in ‘magic and occult science’

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In a move that is sure to raise eyebrows, a British university is now offering a master’s degree in ‘magic and occult science’. You read that right, folks – it’s time to go back to school and learn how to cast spells, read tea leaves and maybe even summon the dead.

According to the university’s website, the master’s program will delve into various areas of the occult, including divination, necromancy and astrology. And of course, no magic degree would be complete without a healthy dose of potion-making and wand-waving.

So why is this even a thing, you might ask? Well, apparently there is a growing interest in all things magical amongst the younger generation. It’s the age of Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, after all. And let’s be real, who wouldn’t want to master the dark arts and become a powerful wizard or witch?

The university claims that this program is not meant to be taken lightly and that students will be required to put in countless hours of studying and practice. But let’s be real, we all know that the true test of a wizard’s skill is determined by their ability to duel with their wand.

While some may scoff at the notion of a magic degree, others are eager to sign up. One prospective student said, “I’ve always felt a strong connection to the supernatural world and I think this program will help me tap into my true potential.”

But of course, as with any controversial topic, there are those who are vehemently opposed to the idea of a degree in magic. One outraged parent wrote in to the university, saying, “I didn’t send my daughter to university so she could waste her time on this nonsense. This is not a legitimate course of study and I refuse to support it.”

Despite the backlash, the university is standing firm. They argue that it’s important to embrace all forms of knowledge, no matter how unconventional they may seem. And who knows, maybe one day a graduate of the program will be the one to finally solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle or create a potion that can cure all diseases.

So if you’re looking to add a little magic to your academic journey, this might just be the program for you. Just remember to pack your invisibility cloak and beware of any dark forces that may be lurking in the shadows.

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