Seattle Woman Shocks World with Tremendous Rubber Duck Collection In a world where some people collect stamps or coins, one Seattle woman has taken her hobby to new heights with an astounding collection of 5,631 rubber ducks

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Seattle Woman Shocks World with Tremendous Rubber Duck Collection

In a world where some people collect stamps or coins, one Seattle woman has taken her hobby to new heights with an astounding collection of 5,631 rubber ducks. Sarah Johnson, 34, started her collection over a decade ago and has been adding to it ever since. Her obsession with the ducks has become so intense that she even has them tattooed on her arm. Yes, you read that right, Sarah has gone as far as to permanently ink her love for rubber ducks onto her skin.

When asked what inspired her to start the collection, Sarah cites her love for childhood toys and her admiration for the innocence and simplicity they embody. “There’s just something about rubber ducks that brings me back to a more carefree time in my life,” she says. “Plus, they’re just so darn cute!”

Sarah’s collection includes ducks of all shapes, sizes, and colors. She has ducks adorned with baseball hats, firefighters’ helmets, and even a few dressed up in ball gowns. Her favorite duck, however, is a giant, inflatable rubber duck that stands nearly six feet tall and takes up nearly her entire living room.

Despite the impressive display of ducks taking over her home, Sarah insists that she is not a hoarder. “I know some people might look at me and think I’m a little crazy,” she admits. “But really, I just like to surround myself with things that make me happy. And these ducks bring me a lot of joy.”

Not everyone is as impressed with Sarah’s collection as she is, however. Her neighbors have even complained about the noise level in her apartment due to the constant squeaking and squawking of rubber ducks. But Sarah is undeterred, saying that the sound of the ducks is like music to her ears. “I could never get tired of hearing them,” she insists.

When asked what her plans are for her collection, Sarah shrugs. “I guess I’ll just keep collecting until there are no more ducks left to be found,” she says with a smile. “Or until my apartment collapses under the weight of all of these ducks! Whichever comes first.”

Love them or loathe them, there’s no denying that Sarah’s collection of rubber ducks is an impressive feat. And who knows? Maybe someday, it will find a place in the record books. Until then, though, we’ll just have to settle for the sight of it taking over Sarah’s apartment in all its rubbery, quacky glory.

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